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Controlling lights


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I'm running version 3.6 and trying to run 6 CCR's. I've done everything i know to do and researched the forums and done all your recommendations. I have a ccr powered up and i can test it in the HU. Works fine. I have unloaded the program so that i don't have a blue/red bulb running in the tray. I've gone into the channel config and (for now) changed the controller to run on "regular" (instead of Aux B) since that is the adapter that i have pulled out of storage. The comm port checks out, the controller is found when i refresh, and in the Sequence Editor i have checked "control lights." In the past, this last step is what i kept missing. But i remember it this time. Unfortunately it's still not working. In fact, the sequence begins to play but the scroll bar doesn't move in the sequence. And when i click STOP...it keeps right on playing until i exit out of the sequence. I'm so confused. When i don't have the adapter plugged in, the scroll bar keeps up with the music and the sequence stops when i click STOP. Anybody got any suggestions?

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it sounds like the ccr is bogging down your system,what are the specs on the computer? really with one ccr should not be a problem though

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I lost 2 hours of my life last night b/c i failed to click "save" after i made my changes! That was it. In the past i made changes in the channel config and just hit "ok" to close the dialog box. At least i think that's all i did. I finally decided to re-save the sequence since i had made a change. It's always something so small and dumb that trips me up, but glad it's working.

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