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New Wishlist Item - Sequence Packager


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I have a tendency to work from several machines and as such, I am often moving different versions/Portions of a sequence to different machine, additionally I separate my Halloween data from my Christmas data and my in process data from my completed data on my dev machines. I would be nice if there was a function within the software or a standalone app that have the ability to zip up a a sequence and open a dialog box to add any additional files (media, visualizer, backup, compressed) for transport to another machine. Once on the new machine, read the registry for LOR's data location and unpackage the files into their appropriate directories (creating any necessary sub directories) changing any hard location listings in the sequence files and generally getting everything ready to go. In a perfect world there would even be a process where if you drop a special package file into a specified directory the control panel would unpack the files automatically and place them in the correct directory on your show computer so that you are not required to log on to place the files (This would be the stripped down version of the package file with only the media and the compressed sequence, no backups no visualizer, just the minimum files needed to play the sequence.

What are your thought, am I making myself to complicated for my own good?


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If both machines are on the Internet, I would give serious consideration to Dropbox. As soon as you save the file it would be uploaded to your Dropbox account, and then downloaded to any other computer you have that is running Dropbox.

That would take care of everything you mention above.

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Have you considerd using something like DropBox as your common directory for all your computers you use for sequencing?

Darn, Don you beat me to it. :angry:

Edited by Dennis Cherry
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