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CCR works but can't sequence


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I have a CCR (CR150D) configured for unit 10 (hex 0x10).

The firmware is version 1.06.

I have using S2 v2.9.4 software.

In the LOR hw Test Console, I do the following:

1. Selet Unit ID : 10

2. Set channel 151 to 1

3. Set channel 152 to 1

4. Set channel 3 to 100

5. move channel 154 from 0 to 100

Doing this I see blue lights filling from controller to end. It works.

However, within the LOR Sequence Editor, I cannot get the CCR to light up.

The LOR Sequence Editor is able to work with my LOR1602W.

I have tried everything (except the one thing that will make this work).

I have attached one of my attempts.

I am at a loss as to how to get this working in the sequence editor.

Any help is appreciated.




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I believe the extension must be .lms to work in sequence editor. You have to export from superstar to sequence editor. Check out videos on how to export. I have used the cut and paste method which works well and does not cause timing problems.

Where from in IOWA? hooray for Gabby and des moines!

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I believe the extension must be .lms to work in sequence editor. You have to export from superstar to sequence editor. Check out videos on how to export. I have used the cut and paste method which works well and does not cause timing problems.

Where from in IOWA? hooray for Gabby and des moines!

I too export to ims.. Works for me
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I changed the unit id on a ccr to 10 and used your sequence without any modifications. It ran a group of 10 blue leds back and forth on the ribbon -- which is what it should do and probably what you expect. Look for a configuration problem. Does the Hardware Utility find your ccr as unit id 10? When you run the Sequence Editor, does the status light on the ccr go on solid? Are you only running the Sequence Editor when you test? (otherwise the HWU may have the comm port)

On channel 154, one of the fades actually goes from 0-100%. You shouldn't use anything other than 0-99% because there is a discontinuity in brightnesses between 99 & 100%.

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I am using S2 v2.9.4 software - standard edition.

Yes, my hardware utility finds my CCR at ID 10.

Yes, when I run the sequence Editor, the status light on the CCR does go on solid. Is that good?!?

I exit out of the hw ulitity to free the comm port, before using the sequenc editor.

Thanks for everyone's input....I'm at a loss.....


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The issue is that you are using Standard software which only supports Unit IDs 01 thru 08... You need to change your unit ID to one of those values.

Best regards,


Light O Rama, Inc.

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Thanks for everyone's help. I probably should have read the Software documentation a little closer. The fact that the HW utility worked gave me a false indication.

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