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Mp3 Volume


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Is there a way to make all of my mp3 volumes the same in Audacity? Last year I had a few songs that were supper loud.

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Agree with Wallleyes. I also use MP3 gain on all of my MP3 files and it works great. Especially since it will do my entire LOR Audio directory and EVERY single subdirectory under it at one time. And for me that's well over 4,900+ MP3 files! As I keep ALL my MP3 files in my LOR Audio directory and hundreds of subdirectories.

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But the answer to your question is "Yes", sorta...

Load the mp3 file and "Select All"

then click the effect tabs and select "Amplify"

here you can adjust the volume of the entire mp3

I would start by lowering it 3-4 db at first. If it didn't lower enough, undo and redo with a lower level.

You will have to do each mp3 one at a time though.


Edited by Shubb
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I do beileve you are wrong on this point. I used MP3GAIN to get all my songs the same loudness.

Yes, that may be the case, but the OP was asking if he could use Audacity to change the volume, not MP3GAIN.

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Yes, that may be the case, but the OP was asking if he could use Audacity to change the volume, not MP3GAIN.

So to answer the OP's question, Yes you can, but the easier way is to use MP3 gain.

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