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How do I flash a CCR?


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I have fast moving flash I want to do. Two quick flashes for say .15 each .20 apart. How do I flash an entire ribbon on at one time for a specific color and turn off quickly with no fade?

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jbzeus wrote:

I have fast moving flash I want to do. Two quick flashes for say .15 each .20 apart. How do I flash an entire ribbon on at one time for a specific color and turn off quickly with no fade?

you have to open up your rgb channels and pick what color you want then copy and paste multible times vertical to the bottom of the ribbon.
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I am by no means the CCR expert, but would it not make sense to use macro channel 151 to set the logical channel to 1 and then flash the one channel. Much more likely to get all the pixels to flash together without tying up the network.

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jimswinder wrote:

I just walk up to my ribbons wearing nothing but a trench coat... ;)


No really I was laughing out loud!

I would or have just turned them on full for 0.1 of a second then off.

I am just strarting to learn how to use macros and it may be a better way because of macros cause less network traffic.
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James, are you saying RGB channels in SSE (not sure where this is) or is S3?

Jim W shame on you...

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jbzeus wrote:

James, are you saying RGB channels in SSE (not sure where this is) or is S3?

Jim W shame on you...

s3 I have not used sse yet,btw sse is under the start tab in the light o rama program
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If network traffic isn't an issue, (meaning fewer than 600 channels total including the CCR) I suggest using the color fade tool. When you open it, select "choose" at either end and use the color palette to select your color. Then go to the other end of the color fade tool and select "copy" to make it all one color rather than a morph.

Whatever cell(s) you click on in the CCR will now turn that color. For the entire ribbon, simply select all 50 channels down and they'll all be filled with the same color for whatever interval of time you choose.

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