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Cannot open adapter error message


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Hello guys and gals:

Looking for some help on a problem.

I have an S3 advanced license with a Super Star Demo. Am using 2 LOR USB485 dongles, one to a CTB16PC and one that goes to a LOR->DMX crossover cable to a Seasonal Entertainment Multiport blender. That in turn is connected to a Rainbow Flood Extreme.

The red light is on on the RF Extreme, meaning I have power to it. DMX light is off. I start up LOR, have everything configured correctly in the Network Preferences, with the second dongle found and set to universe 1. The Comm listener is set to Port 8837 and opens, but I get an error message that says, " A900M2SN Error: Cannot open adapter"

The AC Controller red light is solid and works all 16 channels fine. Firmware is current.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

Jeff K

Syracuse, NY

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Can you post a screen shot of your Network Preferences screen?

You may have the USB485 dongle listed twice up at the top or multiple times at the bottom. You can do both LOR and DMX, but the two adapters must be defined only in their "own" area.

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