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DMX LED light strip flickering in non active pixels


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I have been fiddling with the iDMX controller for a couple of weeks now since I got one. I have it connected to a LOR controller using LOR software. iDMX is connect to a DMX channel controller like the one Ray sells. I am able to control individual pixels (3 leds) & individual leds.

Only one problem though. It seems when a command is sent to a pixel/led you get a regular flicker in another non-activated pixel/s. It appears to be more of an issue further up the strip (ie away from the controller). When you are activated multiple pixels it appears to get worse.

Tested the strip using the built in basic dmx modes that is in the controller & also a off the shelf non-dmx controller. No flickering.

Am I missing something? Some basic component or concept I am missing?


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  • 2 weeks later...

So to add to the ongoing saga with flickering I have ensured a terminator has been used 120 ohm resistor, tried the idmx with and without the terminator jumper on, changed polarity, used different dmx cable, used a short cable/long cable etc When i remove the dmx cable from the in of the led dmx controller the led's that are active stay on and no flickering is seen across the entire strip.. but of course that is useless as no signal can be sent.

Totally stumped.. any suggestions from the dmx gurus out there? thanks

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I would check your voltage at the point of connection to the strip as you may be suffering voltage drop, this may explain why further down the strip it appears to get worse and why you turn more lights on it gets worse.
a couple of things that could help us diagnose the issue:
What rated and type of power supply are you using?
what sized supply cable are you using?
What is the distance from the controller to the strip?
What voltage is the strip?

Answering these questions will give us a much clearer idea if this is what it is, but the easiest way is to just check the voltage at the entry point to the strip.
I have a feeling your voltage is the issue.

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Ive just noticed your in Australia, if you are not already a member of www.auschristmaslighting.com forums then i strongly suggest you also become a member there as we have a very strong LOR following with many from Australia, we have a live chat room to discuss issues and work through problems, everyone is welcome.

Also if you havent already downloaded the AusChristmasLighting 101 manual then i strongly suggest you grab this from http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1889.0.html

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edvas69 wrote:

I would check your voltage at the point of connection to the strip as you may be suffering voltage drop, this may explain why further down the strip it appears to get worse and why you turn more lights on it gets worse.
a couple of things that could help us diagnose the issue:
What rated and type of power supply are you using?
what sized supply cable are you using?
What is the distance from the controller to the strip?
What voltage is the strip?

Answering these questions will give us a much clearer idea if this is what it is, but the easiest way is to just check the voltage at the entry point to the strip.
I have a feeling your voltage is the issue.

Power supply is 12V 4A (still waiting on my next shipment of fiddling supplies so i dont have a higher amp one yet). Strip has a power "injector" cabled in which is about 20cm long. Power supply plugs into this standard DC socket. Not sure what the size of the cable is but when using the default controller (ie non dmx/lor) using pre defined sequences it works fine with the same power. Controller is less than 10cm from the strip as I have plugged it in directly with the attached cables (dont want to start cutting etc to use as I have planned until I can get it to work). Strip is 12v.

When you say voltage to the entry point are you referring to testing power at the start of the strip?

Thanks edvas69. I have definitely looked around the auslighting forum but will sign up (that I cant recall whether I have done that already) and get that 101 manual. The more info the better.
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Fantastic manual also btw. Usually I fall asleep reading these things. Especially at 1am. But it was simple to read, great diagrams/pics/examples and will certainly come in handy.

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