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Creating Groups for CCD's


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Okay...started grouping my 16 CCB's for my FUTURE CCB Mega/Weber Tree...but ran into a problem right away.

I want to Group my CCB's Channels into Spirals (so I will have 8 Groups).

I created Group "Spiral 1" with channels ccb1 A01 p1 and p2.

I then added channels ccb1 A01 p17 and p18...and as is usual, they were put ABOVE the last channel in the group, which was/is ccb1 A01 p2...

But when I try to put ccb1 A01 p2 back in order, which is below ccb1 A01 p1, I get an error message (see below).

So number 1...why can't you move a channel group?

And how are we supposed to get them back in order?
(I answered this last question before posting (since we can't EDIT!! LOL) by De-grouping and then moving the channel...but this seems like an extra step we shouldn't really be needing to do...

wishlist time I guess...

Attached files 309555=16924-CCB Group 2.jpg

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Hmmmm...maybe it is a bug...

now that I De-Grouped and re-created the group, I can move any channel any where I want..

OR...could it be?

Operator error??? :P

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Well c'mon Jim, don't keep us in suspense. Where's the update? We need closure.

But I gotta admit, it's good to have you back at the helm of the Jimswinder Academy! Long may it be named in homage to your exploits. :P:D

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I ran into the same thing and discovered that when you first create a CCD, you have to uncheck the "add as a group" box or it will always give that error message.

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ainsworth wrote:

I ran into the same thing and discovered that when you first create a CCD, you have to uncheck the "add as a group" box or it will always give that error message.

I believe I had that unchecked...
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