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Creating lots of RGB Channels


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Is there a better way than inserting 150 RGB channels and then manually clicking through and setting every row of the channel configuration table to populate them as DMX universe 1 and their appropriate channel number and names?

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Yes there is, when you insert a rgb theres a question below to do this how many times. If you type in 50 you get 50 RGB or 150 total channels. This is the insert Multiple RGB command.

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They are still 'blank' channels at that point. I have to manually set the universe and channel number on each. Any way to have it auto-set these to universe 1 and channels 1-450 as they are created?

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flogger7 wrote:

Is there a better way than inserting 150 RGB channels and then manually clicking through and setting every row of the channel configuration table to populate them as DMX universe 1 and their appropriate channel number and names?

Not that I know of! If there is someone please let us know!!!
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While not perfect you could:

(At last channel) Right-click -> Insert Device Below
Set type: DMX
Channels: Whatever you need (You can name it here, to, btw)
Click Ok.
Right click on the first channel -> Convert to RGB Channel
RGB Channel Name: You can set the name of the RGB Groupings.
"Also do this for following channels" will let you create X number more RGB channels.

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Sorry, guess I should have read the post a few more times! Now I see what you were asking! Thanks Don!


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Donny M. Carter wrote:

Sorry, guess I should have read the post a few more times! Now I see what you were asking! Thanks Don!


Quite welcome.
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