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Feature Request


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Out of curiosity, are you trying to run multiple shows from 1 computer? Such as 1 in front of your house and a seperate show from the back of the house?

Also Im sure Dan will correct me if Im wrong but LOR uses Windows media player to output audio not LOR software itself.

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I'm trying to use this in my halloween display, which is not a lighting-based show. It's more props, servos, indirect lighting, etc.

I was hoping to be able to send multiple sounds to multiple locations, as well as control lighting, for example to bring up a spotlight on something when it begins to speak.

I know I can possible do that with a surround sound card as well

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I believe LOR uses Windows Media Play to play the audio. I'm not sure if it's possible to launch multiple instances of WMP driving different sound cards.

One solution would be to drive some relays that direct your sound to the proper speakers.

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I think I might look at the surround card option. The sounds will be simultaneous, so redirecting probably isn't an option, but a great thought!

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You might check this product out as well. Just a couple minutes ago I put an order in for one. Thus, I have no idea what to expect re: quality of the unit. I can say that they were VERY responsive to questions I asked, so I'm considering that as a good sign.

I am working on a donation box for my Christmas display and want to include a little "thank you" message when someone deposits a donation. I, too, would love to see multiple sound cards supported, but this is the route that I'm taking. Relatively inexpensive, although not what I'd put in the category of "cheap" by any stretch of the imagination, especially given that I could buy another cheapo sound card instead. And yes, I know it's overkill for a single-purpose donation box, but this one is part of a project that I'm doing "just because I can." :)


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For my halloween display i used Audacity to redirect to four indepent channels FL,FR,RR,RL Then using a sound card with surrond sound output i was able to send sound to 4 seperate locations

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Here is another option for audio. I have this on my model train layout, and it works fantastic.

I use the dream player, which plays .mp3 files and I have the dream switcher, which allows different sound to 4 different areas. Great products, super support.

Just some more ideas....


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That is a great option Paul. New one for me.

In the past I used the Cowlicious unit inside or next to the prop. Even if the prop fired from a central control, the sound would be local being triggered by the movement of the prop. Example would be as the piston extends it engages the switch to trigger the sound. That way I needed fewer channels of control.

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jimswinder wrote:

Damn. Coulda saved myself about $60 going this route. Now I'm just gonna have to make sure I take advantage of some of the extra features on the one I ordered so I can better justify the purchase. :P
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