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Any plans for a LOR branded Pixel Controller


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Was clicking around Ray's store and watching a video on the Ethcon Gateway, and got to thinking.

Does LOR have any plans to release a Pixel Controller ?

At first it may seem a bit contrary to the Cosmic Color device line, but IF someone is going to do it anyway, might as well get the LOR branded device right ?

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Well since there are 2 types, common anode (+) that LOR currently uses, what about a common cathode (-) version? I've seen a lot of common cathode types of ribbons and RGB LED's, so it seems to just make sense to have two different controllers, one for each type.

I don't think the current controller is reversible, that is it can't support both types, common cathode and common anode by a jumper or switch selection can it?

If it could, then I would think it could control most types of RGB devices out there. But I'm not going to lay any claim to that for the moment.

But I don't see why a controller can't be created that could do both (jumper/switch selectable) and control ANY type of CCR or RGB device.

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That should be:

I don't think the current controller is reversible, that is it can't support both types, common cathode OR(not and) common anode by a jumper or switch selection can it?

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I was thinking something along the lines of the ethcon gateway or the Sandevices unit - somthing that supports multiple chip types.

Also thinking something that is e1.31 connected.

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Orville wrote:

That should be:

I don't think the current controller is reversible, that is it can't support both types, common cathode OR(not and) common anode by a jumper or switch selection can it?

These are 2 different things. Common anode and cathode are to do with DC controlled dumb RGB strings and strips.

The original poster was talking about E1.31 pixel controllers which do not have a common cathode or anode to worry about as the pixels are already prewired and connected to the IC.

The reason common anode is used mostly is because its cheaper to construct controllers as the Fets sink much better with common anode. Common cathode is not as common and would be mainly used with a direct hookup to power instead of going through a controller.

As far as if LOR will offer their own E1.31 controllers (yes the CCR is a DMX 6803 pixel controller) that is still to be determined so I wait to see what comes out of LOR
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@edvas69: Thanks for the information. I wasn't sure what the difference was as I have seen both common anode and common cathode RGB and RGBW strips WITHOUT an IC on them.

I've also seen RGB (4 lead) and RGBW (5 lead) LED Bulbs (individual LEDs) and they don't have any type of IC in them, these were the types I was thinking of when I posted my comments.

I have some RGB LED's I bought some time ago, they are common cathode (-).

I don't see the common cathodes as being all that rare today, when I've searched these items recently, it appears to me that both types are now widely available.

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