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M. Brooker

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Is it best to download the demo of S3 or just wait until I can upgrade with a licensed version? I have a licensed version of S2 basic now

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If you install S3 without a license that covers it, you will be able to use it just like someone with an S3 Basic license, with one major difference: You will not actually be able to control the lights that are hooked up to your controllers.

So, my personal opinion is that if you want to check out the new S3 features, and you are OK with the fact that you will no longer be able to control lights for the time being, go for the S3 demo now. Later, when you eventually purchase the upgrade, you will be able to control lights again.

On the other hand, if you need to be able to control lights now, or will need to control them at some point before you'll be able to purchase an upgrade, you should probably hold off.

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