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delay between controllers


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Here is a link to a video that someone shot of my first show. I have been meaning to ask someone here if they know why there is a delay in my fades between my #1 and #2 controllers. Its been driving me nuts and kept forgetting to post the question. If you watch the video, it is obvious the difference from the left side to the right side. And I have checked the sequence 30 times its fine there.

Let me know what you think.

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Guest Don Gillespie

Pete I watched some of your video I am trying to see what is wrong I didn't watch all of it is there a paticular time that it looks worse, the begining looked fine, with out seeing how you programed your sequence I cn't really give you any advice.

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Guest Don Gillespie

Pete just watched the whole thing, first off excellent job on sequencing, what I saw was right at the end of the sequence the window lights on the right seemed a little slower on the fade, have you tried to mirror the windows on the left with the windows on the right at that time in the sequence, what I mean is delete the last 3 or 4 seconds of windows on the right copy and paste from the windows on the left only for that section of the sequence other than that your display looks gret.

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I have tried a number of different things with the sequence to try and fix it. I may just be being a bit picking, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it come to things like this. It is the worst where you noticed it at the ends of the sequences. I will monkey with it a bit more and see if I can limit the delay. Thanks for your comments also.


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Ive noticed the same thing between my two controller, its a fraction of a second when the all On/Off command is given. I cant see a way other than programming to rid the issue as you do have extra cable between the controllers which will absorb some timing for the signal to carry to the next box. I know there are guys running a ton of controllers daisy chained but most sequences there arent enuogh lights firing at the same moment to show this fraction delay,

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Guest Don Gillespie

GoofyGuy wrote:

Ive noticed the same thing between my two controller, its a fraction of a second when the all On/Off command is given. I cant see a way other than programming to rid the issue as you do have extra cable between the controllers which will absorb some timing for the signal to carry to the next box. I know there are guys running a ton of controllers daisy chained but most sequences there arent enuogh lights firing at the same moment to show this fraction delay,

won't affect the timing, shouldn't matter how long your cables are, and looking at the video it doesn't look as those contollers are two far apart, I have 100 feet on my first controller then from there it extends to 200 feet to the third contoller all ten controllers are spread out and I don't have issures like this.
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2 LorPC controllers and the usb adapter. Nothing more. The 1 controller is on my higher lights, the second on the ground lights. Its subtle and takes a close eye to spot it, doesnt bother me but its there.

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Is it the higher lights or the lower lights? If higher ones, could be gravity pulling the electric current back towards the ground causing it to work harder to climb towards the upper lights....extra work....slower lighting.

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magish01 wrote:

Is it the higher lights or the lower lights? If higher ones, could be gravity pulling the electric current back towards the ground causing it to work harder to climb towards the upper lights....extra work....slower lighting.

That's genious, but unlikely. In my case you must look for it to see it. The camera catches it also. 1080p 60 frames per second. It's litterally 1/30th of a second.
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My setup is 2 lorpc controllers, 1 lor dc controller being controlled by a mp3 director. Basically pc controller 1 controls the left side of the building (and the top 1/4 of the right tower), the dc controller controls the RGB LEDs in the middle and then the other pc controller controls the right side. Hope this helps.

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Probably just has to do with camera angle. Don't forget that the light from the more distant side of the house has to travel further to get to your camera/eye, so it is just pure physics that you are witnessing.

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Surfing4Dough wrote:

Probably just has to do with camera angle. Don't forget that the light from the more distant side of the house has to travel further to get to your camera/eye, so it is just pure physics that you are witnessing.

Is that why people farther away look darker than people up close in photographs?
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George Simmons wrote:

Surfing4Dough wrote:
Probably just has to do with camera angle. Don't forget that the light from the more distant side of the house has to travel further to get to your camera/eye, so it is just pure physics that you are witnessing.

Is that why people farther away look darker than people up close in photographs?

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I hear you on principle of light but mine is using the camera or the naked eye or viewing from the slow side (right) or the fast side (left).

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petek157 wrote:

I hear you on principle of light but mine is using the camera or the naked eye or viewing from the slow side (right) or the fast side (left).

Gotta' be honest, I tried to watch the video and see what issues you are seeing, but didn't see anything that pointed towards controller issues per se...I'm not even sure I really saw what you are seeing, and, if you're nitpicking minute (as in very small) issues, most of the people watching your show won't notice either.

If your timing on your sequences are spot on and similar, then maybe the fade issue are the lights themselves.

Otherwise, I'm going with the theory in the 9th post, but thats just me being a big believer in gravity.
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Surfing4Dough wrote:

Probably just has to do with camera angle. Don't forget that the light from the more distant side of the house has to travel further to get to your camera/eye, so it is just pure physics that you are witnessing.

Ok, I'm not sure I buy this. With light traveling 186,000 MILES per SECOND, the human eye cannot detect a difference in the speed of light coming from one side of the house or another. And THAT is pure physics! But I agree, that camera angle can make a difference with shadows, etc. And the camera cannot capture all of what the eye can see.
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LOL..c'mon CK...if there is a 50 foot difference from camera to one side of the house versus the other, thats a delay/difference of somewhere around 1/500,000,000 of a second. Are you saying I can't see that??? :D:P:D:D

Again, to the OP....I'm not sure I'd be sweating this...

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