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please beat up my enttec pro


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Ok all you cyber bullies.. cyber beat my enttec pro into submission please. I understand the way its hooked up possibly causes allot of "noise" on the usb lines to lock up something but... I have to ask I have one choke on that cable now wrapped 5 times through a radio hack choke core. is there any thoughts on how to stop lockups ? maybe even software commands to virtually disconnect a usb port on schedule? as every time it "locks" I have to unplug the usb line.. give it a few seconds and replug. any tips on a automatic way of this short of parallel port control to cut the usb lines?

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Have you tried one of the LOR USB cables? The ones with 3 ferrites? One at each end, and one in the middle? These are not wimpy ferrites either. About 3/4 inch in diameter, and 1.5 long... Or, have you tried finding a really short cable?

Have you tried a different USB port on your computer? Or a USB hub in between? We have had a few users with persistent lock up issues, that turned out to be issues with the computer motherboard.

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I don't remember any specific solutions with the hub. But, my thought is that you need to try changing something. Adding the hub will change the geometry of the cabling, and what USB hub device is connected to the FTDIchip. I would also go with a powered hub, in case it is power fluctuations from the computer's internal hub that is causing the problem.

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Thanks klb .. powered I would say is prolly a better option to try as it offloads the comms.. I do have a copy of the comm window..

2011-12-17 19:16:53 25:Listener [iNFO ] Socket 456, exiting
2011-12-17 19:18:42 3:Listener [ERROR] Socket 460, connection closed while r
eading msg header
2011-12-17 19:18:42 25:Listener [iNFO ] Socket 460, exiting

I know in my searching I found that others non lor have had issues with it all and I'm wondering now.. if the "connection closed while reading msg header" is a buffer issue maybe?

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I think it is a common issue on all FTDIchip based products using this chip set. It happens to the LOR 485 adapters as well as the enttec and others. They indicate that it is a electrical noise related issue, not drivers, not their hardware.

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only posting this just for "debug" info for lor programming crew I've personally given up on the enttec pro debugging for this year I will leave it controlling my fish tank lights but still it errors daily..
2011-12-20 18:21:06 25:Listener [iNFO ] Socket 428, exiting
2011-12-20 18:21:06 32:Listener [iNFO ] Connection accepted (444)

the window will keep doing that about every second until I unload lor and then restart the control panel ... I'm sorry but. if it was hardware only I'd have to do something with the hardware. not simply "unload Light O Rama" there is something combined causing this and those of use having these issues need to help out to find a fix for this... is it the calls to the port? is it the vb code ? the vb accelerator code? something is up with it..

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i still have the same problem using a Lynx DMX dongle. usually if I run any programs in addition to the always running Zara, weatherwatcher and LOR control panel. most times unloading and reloading control panel will solve the problem, unless it locks up the computer. then I have to reboot.

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