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Macro Maestro Confusion

David Barnett

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Ok folks, trying to use Bob's Macro Maestro. Version 1.0.10.

I'm trying to create a VU meter type effect.

I have 2 CCR's split into 4 arches.

On the beat, I want to have the ribbon fill from controller till jsut over the top of the arch(approx. pixel 30) Fome there I'll add another color fade from green to red, so it looks like I'm hitting the high red zone.

I set Maestro 154 to 30 and the submode to 10. I'm using the sliders, to see the effect. I then export, paste using stretch to fit.

Playback, and the point were the macro kicks in, the 2 arches just fill up and blink a couple of times. Not what I'm trying to accomplish.

So, when setting Macro 1(Controller to End) does it fill all the way to the end, regardless of Maestro settings?

So rather confused at the moment. If I can't get this figured out via Macros, i can always revert to chases etc.

Any Help appreciated.



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What are doing up so late David?

Unless you have a value in macro mode, the pixels will show as if you were doing normal sequencing. This may result in a flash of unintended color.

all rgbs off, set the macro mode,
set the resolution (usually 1 for macros) and RBGs
set the Macro sub mode and effect.

If I understood your idea, you want macro mode 9 or 10. I tried it with 10 and it worked ok. Using res 50 with G17, Y3 and R5. Then copied to lower 25.

Note the range is 0 to 50 for this macro mode.


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Hey Bob. I'n always up late. I fly PM scheds. so I'm used to it. Do my best work in the wee hrs. :-)

Thanks for the info. For right now, I figured a workaround. Next year, I'll revisit.


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