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Ladybug killed one channel


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After tracing what seemed like miles of extension cord trying to find out why I had one channel not working on one of my two CTB16PC controllers, I looked in the box on the circuit board and found a lady bug on the board attached to a very small silver wire that was exposed on the board. This same wire is exposed for every channel on the board. I brushed it off and there looks like a very tiny burn spot under where the ladybug was stuck to the board.


If you look just below and left of the number 2, there is a dark spot where the body of the ladybug was sitting and one or more of it's legs was touching the silver leg of that (diode? transistor?). Any thoughts that if I had the diode/transistor replaced, that might give me back the channel?

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Ok, I solved my own problem. I powered the controller off for a minute or so and powered it back on and I had my channel back. I guess the ladybug was just preventing the circuit from being completed and the controller needed to be reset or something.


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And another head scratcher, when I initially powered both controllers up, the same channel was out on my other box. Could the ladybug short circuit have fed back to box 1 and knocked that channel out? After powering down and back up, it started working earlier.

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glad you got the ladybug problem figured out...

do we need to discuss your Ballet Shoes and the hoarding though??? :D

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frmundr wrote:

And another head scratcher, when I initially powered both controllers up, the same channel was out on my other box. Could the ladybug short circuit have fed back to box 1 and knocked that channel out? After powering down and back up, it started working earlier.

Thats a strange one:? Maybe also you can update your profile so people can see where you reside and maybe offer local help.

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frmundr wrote:

And another head scratcher, when I initially powered both controllers up, the same channel was out on my other box. Could the ladybug short circuit have fed back to box 1 and knocked that channel out? After powering down and back up, it started working earlier.


You may need to reset one or both controllers (reset, not just power cycle), but pretty sure removal of the dead carcass will resolve your issue.
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Thanks Don and Denis, I updated my profile as suggested. I am actually back up on all channels with doing a power cycle. If I have any more problems I will look at doing a reset.

Boy this is fun.... :shock:

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