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ELL failure its fix

Greg Young

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I have used ELLs since they were first released. Currently I am using 3 in our display.

Last week I noticed a section of the display was out. Upon opening the 16D controller box, I saw the LED flashing indicating it was not receiving a network signal from the ELL it was directly connected to, so it was apparent that ELL was no longer functiong.

I made up a CT5e cable to connect to the next closest (80 feet away) 16D controller, which is something I had been toying with for a while, thinking of using the ELL elsewhere.

Before I could install the CT5e the next night, when I arrived home from work I was surprised to see the ELL in question working again!

Since I took the time to make the cable, I installed same, and took down the ELL to bring into the shop to determined what had happened.

When I opened the unit I was surprised to see a little bit of water inside.

All of my ELLs have been installed antenna up, cable down, and above the controllers, so there was no way water could have come in along the CT5 6 cable into the ELL. That left the only entry for water coming from the topside of the ELL.

Background - my ELL's are mounted to sides of permanent structures that remain outside year round. They are in shaded areas, but nonetheless get exposed to the elements year round.

Upon close inspection it looked as though the source was where the base of the antenna penetrated the plastic case.

The fix was easy - I applied heat shrink tubing the length of the antenna (in case there were some small breaks I could not visualize in the rubber covering the antenna element), and then brushed on black insulating compound I use for insulating electrical connections in 2 areas: the base where the antenna connects with the plastic shell, and the tip of the antenna, above where the heat shrink was applied.

Problem solved.

Bottom line, if an ELL suddenly quits, be sure to take it apart a look for water!


Dan, my shop consultation bill is in the mail... :D:D:D

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