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Any way to set default 'Play Range'?


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Whenever I'm watching my show outside I notice little things that could look better differently... and I know exactly what part of the song it is I'm going to edit when I fire up Sequence editor... So I go to that part to edit it. I hit 'Play' ... at which point I'm fired right back to the beginning of the sequence.

I can never seem to remember to change the 'play range' when I open up the editor.

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Wouldn't it be great to be able to scroll thru the time line using the mouse with the outputs active so you can see what every single thing does? With the laser software I use, we can do just that.. hold down the mouse button and scroll back and forth over whatever part of the time line we want.. Output follows in real time. Makes for timing that is absolute with the equipment you are using. You can see nuances that are hard to see by playing thru it.

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  • 1 month later...

A feature request - the ability to use the mouse to "manually move" the sound line.
As it is now, I can choose normal speed, 1/2 speed - or others but cannot manually move the sound line(vertical line that represents time through the sound track/sequence. That ability to manually move the time line back and forth to hear a single segment would help to exactly locate the desired sound/feature location.

In older sound software I have seen that feature, but in current tools I use I don't find it... Wish I could provide an example - but I cannot offer I've seen it before...

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htebault wrote:

A feature request - the ability to use the mouse to "manually move" the sound line.
As it is now, I can choose normal speed, 1/2 speed - or others but cannot manually move the sound line(vertical line that represents time through the sound track/sequence. That ability to manually move the time line back and forth to hear a single segment would help to exactly locate the desired sound/feature location.

I don't understand how what you're asking for differs from using the horizontal scroll bar located at the bottom of the Sequence Editor screen to move your sequence and waveform forward and/or back in time.
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Ok, let me describe it a bit more. Rather than move the whole window, you would take the single vertical line with the mouse and drag it left or right, and while you are doing it - it would play the sound track at whatever speed you are dragging it.
The point being to specifically locate a point of music to sync the light channels.
When using either the range (highlight an area), or choosing to play visible screen only - I am limited to letting the computer run at a fixed speed and my eyes have to catch at what point I want to trigger light effects.
If I could fine tune that by using manual mode I would find it much easier to sync the action points.

Does that help describe it a bit more ?

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I think I have a better understanding now. Thanks. It will be interesting to see an official LOR response. Although I haven't personally seen a thread requesting the feature you are, who knows - it could be something they're working on...

But for now, are you viewing the waveform and using a moving timing grid while sequencing? (PLAY > MOVE GRID WITH PLAY) Between the wave form and whatever timing marks you're using, they combine to give you a pretty specific point of reference.

Also, if you're wanting to have a few seconds of time repeat, if you've selected a specific segment or are playing visible screen, the loop feature can be a good option. (PLAY > LOOP AT END)

Good luck.

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htebault wrote:

it would play the sound track at whatever speed you are dragging it.

The Sequence Editor does not play the music directly, but uses the Windows Media Player. It may not be possible to control WMP in the manner you describe.

This would also change the way the SE controls the lights. For example, if you fade down from 100% to 0% over 2 seconds, the SE sends a single event over the LOR network to the controller that tells it to fade over the next 2 seconds. If you were moving the cursor back and forth, it would have to send multiple "intensity" commands instead. This could cause some subtle differences.
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