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CTB16pc Problems


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I have two CTB16pc controllers that have channels that stay on and are not responding to the commands. I have reset the controllers twice and nothing. On one of the controllers, channels 1 through 8 are not responding at all. Any suggestions????

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Are they on when there is no signal cable connected to them? Just power? Channels 1-8 not responding sounds like a fuse if both cords are plugged into the same outlet.

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You have all 8 channels not responding...all stuck on or off...1-8?

Did the problem just start, meaning, controllers were working fine until recently? Or has this been a problem since you got the controllers?

The board was assembled by LOR...did you then do the cord and dongle install, or was this a complete ready-to-go out of the box controller?

I wouldn't blame triacs right away unless you something pretty catstrophic happened to the controller.

Not sure all you have done or not done, but a few suggestions:

1. work on the controllers separately, direct connect, via usb adapter, between computer and controller when testing.

2. verify the easy/obvious: line cords, fuses, etc. Even though you have a lights on, not off issue, verifying all is good is free and simple.

3. do a quick visual of the board. Make sure the processor chip is tight in its socket, no dongles disconnected, shorting, etc.

4. make sure you have a known good cat-5 cable.

5. do a reset. I know you mentioned you did that once, but try it again:

a. power down
b. remove jumper
c. power up
d. wait 30 seconds
e. power down
f. replace jumper
g. power up

6. test each channel individually. Let us know the results, and we'll go from there.

If you have a single channel or two not working, you may have a triac issue. If all 8 in a bank are not working, I'd be looking at other possible causes, and would not be replacing 8 triacs just yet.

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Hey everyone. I thought i would give you a update. I changed out the Triacs and problem is solve. Light show is up and running. I want to thank everyone that helped with my problem. Thank you and Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

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