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Missing media


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Since black Friday my show has been running well. All songs playing in order and such. LAst night I thought I noticed a few songs not playing. Today I ran the verifier and found 5 songs missing the media!! Have not done any changes for at least a week, no computer problems either. Any idea why this may have happened??

Lesson learned: Run the verifier each night before the show I guess.

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shfr26 wrote:

Since black Friday my show has been running well.  All songs playing in order and such.  LAst night I thought I noticed a few songs not playing.  Today I ran the verifier and found 5 songs missing the media!!  Have not done any changes for at least a week, no computer problems either.  Any idea why this may have happened??

Lesson learned: Run the verifier each night before the show I guess.

Computers can be strange creatures sometimes.

Since I am gone most nights and not at home, I use the MP3 mini-director and never have to worry about the show.
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Don wrote:

Are you using S3 and compressed sequences?

Yes, 3.1.4 and a MP3's and maybe a few WAV's. One of the files missing was a WAV and the others were MP3's.
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Try this.

1) Disable shows
2) Delete the COMPRESSED sequences. (Please don't delete your actual sequences)
3) Open each sequence. Make a change and re-save it. (You can just turn a cell on/off and re-save.)

This will recreate the compressed sequence, and may resolve your issue.

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