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RDS input

Aaron Maue

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I have an EDM LCD RDS unit that I bought about 6months ago. I have miniRDS up and running, feeding the xmtr the correct data for the RDS feed. I'm using the standard DB9 cable that came from EDM with the xmtr. It works great.

I want to go to a different show PC next year and am betting that I won't find one with the old DB9 connector on it any more. I'm wondering if any of you are feeding the RDS data to the EDM unit from a USB port (or anything other than the DB9 connector). If yes, what kind of cable? And where did you buy it? I seem to remember reading somewhere that not all USB-to-RS232 cables are created equal.


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Here is a message I received from EDM when I sought clarification as to what was actually needed (and confirmation that I couldn't simply use a USB to mini USB cable):

The cable supplied with your unit is a special cable. You need to connect it to a serial port or use a serial to USB converter that is commonly available from electronic stores.


Make sure it can handle bi-directional data. Most can these days.

Regards, EDM Sales

Below is what I actually purchased and it has worked just fine so far this year.


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tpctech wrote:

I purchased a multi port serial card and installed it in my show computer for my RDS encoder and Beta Bright sign


I did the same, as I found the serial to USB adapters did not work reliably for bidirectional communication. They worked OK one way.

I tried a couple of USB-serial port emulators.

In the end the pc card was cheaper, and now I have an extra serial port and parallel port to play with!
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