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LOR Verifier not detecting duplicate channels

Ken Benedict

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Anyone having problems with the new 3.1.4 Verifier?

I have a sequence that has duplicate and triplicate channel definitions that don't get detected as errors.

In version 2.9.4, errors are detected as they should.

Running Win7 with all updates.

Sequence was created in 2.9.4 and loaded into 3.1.4 OK.

Any suggestions?

Attached files Program 1 final.lms

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The Verifier gives me a bunch of conflicting channels warnings for that sequence. Are you saying that it doesn't give you any, or that it gives you some but not as many as it should? If the latter, how many, exactly, does it give you, how many more are you expecting, and can you give an example of a conflict that it misses?

Perhaps the issue is that the sequence is not in one of your scheduled shows? The Verifier will only check a show if it's scheduled, and will only check a sequence if it's in a show that it checks.

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Since I use a MP3 Director card, I don't schedule any shows from my PC; it's for development only.

I assumed the Verifier checked shows in the sequence directory without having to schedule any. I guess I didn't read enough about it in the help files.

I ran the simple show builder with the above show and yes, it did show the errors that I expected.

Problem solved and Thank You very much.

Happy Holidays

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