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One Dead Channel


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I made a fatal error the other day. Some of my homemade SPT2 extension cords were not assembled correctly. So I was taking them apart and fixing them. I got ahead of myself and did not unplug it from the controller. I snipped the female end and shorted it out. Lucky only the one channel is dead. Any suggestion of what I might need to fix it?

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Assuming you still have all other channels working, which would eliminate a fuse being blown, you likely sent a triac to an early grave....:(

If you are capable with a soldering iron, LOR can send a replacement, and you can be back on track.

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Thanks for the response, all the other channels do indeed work. So I must have sent that triac to an early death, poor little guy never saw it coming. I swear I need to catalog all my newbie mistakes and write a book about it :cool:

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