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Windows shell commands


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I have windows shell commands calling batch files to change a text file (RSS.txt). I stupidly made the batch filenames with spaces (which the cmd prompt would not process). I made the changes to the commands in the sequences and in the filenames (the batch does execute), but the batch files don't appear to be running when the sequences begin. I'm wondering if just making a change to the sequence isn't enough (the compressed files are still being used maybe). The show is running, so I can't check anything yet, just wanted to throw this out there in case someone has run into this previously.

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If the show was running when the changes were made and seq were preloaded then the changes will not take place

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Add a PAUSE to the batch and then in SE give the shell focus. You can see if the CMD is found.

It should either be in the same folder as SE or somewhere in your path. You can add a folder to your path or specify the folder as in C:RDSrds1.cmd

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OK, I think I was sort of headed down the right path in my original theory. Here is some info I gleaned from my RTFM excursion this afternoon.

From the online docuemtation for Windows Shell commands:

To set up a sequence to execute a Windows command, select "Windows Command" from the Sequence Editor's Edit menu. After that, whenever that sequence is played (either by the Sequence Editor or the Show Player), the command will be executed.

However, this means that if you yourself use Light-O-Rama on two separate machines - for example one to create your sequences on, and another to run your shows on - you will have to copy your "real" version of cmdmap.lcm from one machine to the other if you want your sequences to execute Windows shell commands. You would typically do this at the same time that you copy your sequences themselves over from one machine to the other.

Note, though: If the Show Player is running when you change the command associated with a sequence, you may have to stop and start the Show Player in order for this change to be picked up.

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Shell commands only work on the computer you wrote them on. It is a fail safe that LOR put in place so a person can't write a shell command , give their .lms file to someone, and run a shell command on someone else's computer without that person's knowledge.

There is a file, cmdmap.lcm, that gets created on the computer that you wrote your shell command on. This file has to be on the system that you are running in order to tell LOR that it's okay to run the shell commands.

Since I haven't used this feature yet, I'm not sure where the file is located, I just happen to read this in the help section earlier today, under Shell Commands.

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  • 4 years later...
3 hours ago, CKSedg said:

How do you separate two or more windows shell commands in LOR?  Can more than one be sent?  Any help would be appreciated.

The easiest way to do that is is to have the LOR Windows Command call a batch file.  That batch file can have any number of line items in it - including calling yet another batch or command file.  I do that regularly.


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Well, duh!  The easiest solution right in front of my eyes (I already use batch files), and I didn't even think of it.  Thanks so much!

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