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New Controller Burn OUT

Al Dube

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Ok Guys,

I have ta ask, has anyone had a problem with the new Generation 3 Controllers, I bought one new one (CTB16PC) and finally got around to hooking it up tonight.. Power up was good, even able to set its address, but after it sat there for a few minutes powered up, it got really hot and finally shut down... No status light, no response, no nothing !!!! Checked everything, fuses good, no shorts on outputs... I will call LOR in the morning and talk to them but I'm curious if anyone has had a problem..

Help me obewan !!

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gizmomkr wrote:

Did you build it, or was it pre-built ?

Gen 3 controllers are not DIY kits. Factory built only.

(Contain a lot of surface mount components)
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gizmomkr wrote:

My 1st gen 3 arrives today, I know it's mostly smd, but thought you still had to solder lugs and triacs

Please post when it arrives, I was not aware of the Gen 3 boards as a DIY solder kit.
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All the Kudos and Thanks that I can muster to Dan and his staff, they are shipping me a unit next day (I will pay for next day)...

I sure do wish that even a small percentage of company's in this Great Country of ours did business the way Dan and Light-O Rama do, we would all be a lot happier and have a lot less stress in our lives, I know I would..

Once again Thanks Dan, your the Best !!!!

"Al" :(

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