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Is there a way to do a negative chase?


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I've searched and haven't found any reference to this. I want to have a chase where all channels are on, and the chase would turn of channels in sequence like in the below screenshot. I've tried foreground and background effects, but haven't found a way to do this efficiently.
any thoughts are appreciated.

Attached files 283287=15719-negativechase.jpg

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I think if you have a chase you can highlight the area and select "toggle"

Select "toggle" first then select the area where the chase is and it will turn ON the channels that are off and turn OFF the channels that are on.

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thanks for the idea. Works great for regular channels. (which is what i asked for... forgetting that RGB would behave differently). Great idea didn't think of that.

any thoughts on how to do it for RGB?
when you toggle RGB channels they go from off to white rather than Red (for example)

see below image for result of Toggle, compared to what i'm hoping for (on the right)

Attached files 283299=15722-negativechase2.jpg

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heystew wrote:

I've searched and haven't found any reference to this. I want to have a chase where all channels are on, and the chase would turn of channels in sequence like in the below screenshot. I've tried foreground and background effects, but haven't found a way to do this efficiently.
any thoughts are appreciated.

Take a look at this:

Note the lack of spaces (cells) between the "off" part of the chase. When it's not there, you can use the background effect tool to quickly fill in the selected area.

In your version, since there is empty space between the 'off' parts of the chase, the background tool will fill it all in.
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I do this same thing with RGB channels. To make it easy I just use different tracks for each color. For example I have four tracks for my mega tree, one for each color and one that has the RGB channels. I do this for all my other elements that are grouped together and are RGB.

This is my first year REALLY using tracks and they are great for breaking things up for easier programming. Especially RGB.

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I like Jim Hans' idea of having different tracks (or I think better yet different channel groups) for red, green, and blue. That should make doing things like that on RGB channels easy.

But here is a video showing a way to do it on the RGB channels themselves.

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