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1602w controller will not connect?


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I have 5 1602w controllers and I cannot get one to connect, the other 4 I went thru and all 4 configured 1 - 4.
But the 5th when I try to connect, the led stops flashing from a steady flash to staying on like it connected but says it cannot find the controller. fuses are good, cat cable is good, any ideas or info

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Andy, what version of software are you using and what license level? I'm thinking one of the levels is good for only four controllers. Have you tried changing the ID of the offending controller to something less than 5 and then testing it by itself? Have you run this configuration before?


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Just updated to S3 advance license
Ran same setup last year.
Will not recognize the controller when it is plugged in but the red led light will go to solid when it is plugged in like it is trying to

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As Don stated. Do a reset on the controller.

If that does not work....then you can force a channel change.

I just looked.....on the Set IDs section. the upper portion. check the ignore erros and then set the unit id and hit set unit id button.


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cmoore60 wrote:

As Don stated. Do a reset on the controller.

If that does not work....then you can force a channel change.

I just looked.....on the Set IDs section. the upper portion. check the ignore erros and then set the unit id and hit set unit id button.



This will work with the PC controllers.

and for testing only, will work with the 1602, but.... the forced setting will be lost as soon as power is removed.
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I'm wondering about the max unit number in the hardware utility. Is it possible the address on this controller is higher?

It also might we worth trying to connect ONLY this controller to the computer.


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The minimum for the "max hardware setting" is 5. Since the original poster is trying to set for 5, this should not be an issue.


Sorry I did not catch they were 1602. You are correct that the dials are read on power up. But if he forces an address change and then can see it via the hardware utility then the problem points to either the address dials or the associated chip.


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well so far have tried all the suggestions with no such luck...have it hooked up to the pc by itself and get this pop up " port not found, unable to locate the Light-O-Rama port. Check the controller and that it is powered on)
but the red LED light still goes steady on when it is hooked up....

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If you are getting the message you stated and all you are doing is shutting down the HWU and changing the controllers on the end of the cable. Then I would say the comm chip on the controller has failed. The comm chip is the small chip that is in a socket.


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