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Problems with Controller


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Hey guys,

I went to my friends house a couple days ago to help him set up his light show (he has the show, but I do all the computer work for him). He has only 1 controller and he has had it about 3 years now (this being is 3rd year) and when I was testing everything, the controller was working. I had a test sequence running in the sequence editor and set to loop at the end and I went out to help set up some lights. And while I was outside, the controller stopped working, but not completely. 6 channels work without any problems but the other 10 don't work at all. The cords aren't unplugged, the Cat5 didn't come unplugged and there was nothing that changed with the computer.
I tried everything I could think of to get it to work, but nothing was working. I even changed the controller ID, but that didn't do anything. So I'm thinking, does this sound like a computer issue or a controller issue? And how can I fix it? I think it is a controller issue, but my friend is convinced is has something to do with the computer.

So any help would be very much appreciated!!


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Start with a controller reset. Check the fuse for channels 1-8. What model controller is it?

Was any schedule active? Or just control lights through the sequence editor? Is the test sequence a las file, or lms? If las, is it multiple tracks? Are all tracks the same length?

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