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Problems Getting Show To Work


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This is my second year doing LOR and last year I had 80 channels and used a mini director and had no problems. This year I have 144 channels and 4 CCR'S. Here is the problem. When I put the sequences onto the sd card and plugged in the mini director the show started but only about half my channels were working and the ribbons had like 4 lights lit up. Thinking that maybe my mini could not handle all the channels I then tried to plug in the show to the computer and got the same results.. On one sequence all channels should be on all the time and the only channels that are on are 4 of the controllers. They are the first 4 in the daisy chain also. I would think that there could be a problem in the next controller but when I played the christmas eve song that is when I had all the lights after the 4th controller doing weird stuff and the ccr would only light 4 lights with that song as well. Just to give you background I am running my lights in daisy chain starting from unit 11,12,13,6,5,9,8,7,10,ccr1,ccr2,ccr3,ccr4. When I have the song that all the lights just stay on I only get controllers 11,12,13,6 to work and nothing else. On the other songs I get those 4 to work and the others come on sporadically.

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I tried that and that did not work. When I hook it into the computer I'm just using the basic rs485 adapter and I'm running a 100ft cable to the computer. I don't know if any of those make a difference

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To me sounds like a bad/flaky communications cable/connection between 6 and 5. Are you able to run the shows from the computer and get the same results? Try a different cable. Try skipping aroung contoller 5. Definately sounds like communications issue. Could also be programming issue with units not defined to software channels. Are all the channels defined on one network?


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I just tried bypassing unit 5,6 and when I did that all the remaining units then worked except ccr 3,4. With having 144 channels and 4 ccr should I be using 2 different networks because right now they are all on just the regular network. I was getting the same results with the computer or mini director

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