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LOR Comm Listener - have to run manually?


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I've finally gotten around to testing the raw dmx capability of S3 and fortunately stumbled across a post showing the LOR Comm Listener command prompt window. I was having trouble getting any output at all despite configuring everything as I thought i should. The LOR Control Panel was running (shows disabled), the sequencer was configured with 1 universe of DMX with the adapter selected (USB-485B). Despite this, nothing happened.

I opened a dos window and ran the LORCommListener.exe -p 8837 -dmx command and immediately things started working.

Did I miss something else that I should be configuring? Everything i can find says the comm listener should start automatically.

BTW.. so far raw dmx control of my RGB pixels looks to be working very well.

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Assuming that all of the following are true, then it should start automatically:

(1) You are using version 3.0.0 or above.

(2) You are using an Advanced license.

(3) The LOR Control Panel is running.

(4) You have at least one DMX universe set in the Sequence Editor's Network Preferences screen.

(5) You have the DMX listener port set to something other than zero in the Sequence Editor's Network Preferences screen.

The fact that you were successfully able to get it to run manually implies that (1) and (2) are true, and you've said that (3) and (4) are true. Was (5) true?

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thanks for the reply. Yes, the DMX Listener port was set to 8837 at the bottom of the Network Preferences window. This was the default value that was there when i opened the window.
anything else i can check?


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Hmmm... that should be it, then.

Is it possible that you have some sort of overzealous anti-malware software which is disallowing one program (the LOR Control Panel) from starting another (the LOR Comm Listener)?

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I installed v3.1.2 tonight and all seems to work fine. The LORCommListener launches as it should when a sequence is started.
Not sure why it fixed it, but it did.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to disable the DMX network because this utility opened up a DOS window and would not stop running processes ... finally killed my PC so bad I could not even task manager out ... had to power it off/on ... and even then the LOR control panel started back up and locked my machine again.

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Did you not have the DMX dongle connected while the control panel and Comm Listener was running? If not, then it will just keep trying and trying and trying to find it. I've never let it go long enough to lock up anything, but it sure will fill up the DOS window.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also running into problems.
I don't have a DMX dongle but a USB to RJ-45 and then a RJ-45 to DMX adapter.

Network Preferences saw my adapter and allowed me to select it for Universe 1.
The CommListener opens up and connections are accepted, but no lights.


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when you say a USB to RJ-45 adapter, I assume you mean an LOR USB adapter?

If so, then what RJ-45 to DMX adapter are you using? Is it simple a rj-45 to DMX cable? If so, check the pinout and make sure it's right.

I posted a pinout of my adapter cable that I have successfully used here

also check that the LOR Comm Listener window is running (you have to have the control panel running to do DMX like this.


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  • 3 weeks later...

o.k I have a problem, using the USB485 standard lor connection I have commlistener running and it finds and opens the adapter on the default port of 8837 I have set my controllers in network settings to dmx universe 1 and chose the adapter from the drop down menu, have reconfigured my controllers and channels in sequence editor to be universe 1 and starting at address 1.....but I cannot get the lights to work...what am I missing?

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forgot to mention that the boards I was using were CTB-16DV5 the blue boards, I have solved my problem, my firmware was V4.01 and I updated it to V4.30 and all is working fine, however on the product page in the store the firmware version they got listed on the page is V1.02 why can't LOR keep their pages up to date...took me forever to find the Firmware page at www.lightorama.com/Firmware.html having this page readily available would have solved a headache ;-)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi People! I'm getting trouble in making my LED RGB DMX512 lights working in the same configuration that Robo used, but I have 2 Networks: a LOR NETWORK with ONE CTB16PC and 1 CTB16PCg3, that are running perfectly. But the Dmx doesn't work. My led light don't turn on. Can you guys help me?

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This is the screen that I see: http://nataldeluzes.net/1.png
This is the cable that Dan send to me: http://www.nataldeluzes.net/IMG_0641.jpg
Wiring is:
CAT5e --> XLR
Green --> 1
BLUE --> 3

Here it's my LED DMX light. Please, How do you call this dmx light i english?
Note that the dmx addressing is 001. These spot, has 6 dmx channels.
1: manual red dimmer
2: manual green dimmer
3: manual blue dimmer
4: single color strobe, multi color strobe,
5: functions like auto dimmer, multicolor auto, sound sensor
6: control the speed
Please help me!

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Do you have a second RS485 adapter? I see in your first picture that you have something at the top using COM5. If that is physically the same adapter that you are using in the DMX section, then change the top entry to NONE.

One entry per adapter.

You can have two or more, just don't duplicate. An adapter is either LOR or DMX, never both.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah! I'm using two adapters, one for LOR and other to DMX.
Hey guys, I talked with my friend, who has some dmx lights, and he is helping me. I've tested some of his dmx lights and they've worked. I don't know why my parled 64 didn't. Any ideas? Note: The parled 64 worked in a DMX mixer.

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