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DMX Listener Error 8

Scott Keon

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DMX Listener Error 8: Error 10055: No Buffer space is available.

happens over night after show is done for the night. Where do I look first to fix this?

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3 nights in a row. that line is repeating really fast and today it had the computer almost locked up. I had to log off and back on to stop it. control panel would not pop up so I could turn off the control panel. I didn't try lights because of the lock up.

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today i have popup window named "Error Relaunching DMX Listener"

inside window "Invalid procedure call or argument" and ok button

when I went to bed show had finished. everything appeared to be waiting for next show. schedule runs 6:50pm to 10:00pm.

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  • 1 month later...

I had this today after the machine sat all day. It ran last night just fine for the show. Today when my Zara Radio was not running I noticed the Status window was flying with a buffer message.

Of course I shut down the status window before I wrote down the message. I know the DMX messages are not saved anywhere. Is the LOR status log saved somewhere?

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You can use the "Copy" button to copy as much as the log currently shows (which will be more than the current screen) to your clipboard, and then paste that into a file or an email. But if it's been pumping out the same message quickly for a while now, stuff from before that has probably been scrolled off anyway. It would still be interesting to see what it says, though.

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I'll try this again when and if I get it. It seams to me I tried but the messages were going by so fast that it wasn't possible to copy.

I noticed that my FTDI driver was from 2009 so I updated that as well as other XP updates. Time will tell if there is a change.

Scott: What adapter are you using when this happens? I'm using an Enttec Pro.

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While I don't seem to be having the problems you are experiencing (yet?), I have the FTDI CDM 2.08.02 version of the VCP drivers installed.

There is a newer version on the FTDI website with this message in the readme file:

Release version

2.08.14 (March 16, 2011)
WHQL certified release.

Release Fixes

· Resolved potential lock-up or BSOD when buffers are full.

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I did XP updates which included a 2011 FTDI driver update with the same results.

I'm going to setup a Windows 7 machine and give it a try. For now I just reboot my XP machine before each show before or after it crashes. The problem is in most cases it takes the whole month to troubleshoot these problems and then next year it starts over.

Thanks for the detailed info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem with my XP machine. I am trying a reboot script at the end of my show, just see see if that helps.

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I upgraded to 3.1.4 and so far have not seen the error again in four days of running. Before I was rebooting each day before the show started just to be safe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was one of the ones that was having a problem with memory leaks and got the 3.1.4. to fix it. However, about every other night I get the DMX error that Scott is referring to. Generall, I stop the console, wait a couple of seconds, then restart it. I can't point out exactly when it occurs. Generally it doesn't give the error at the end of the show (11pm).. but the error is there the next morning with some window closing and re-opening over and over very fast. if there error is there tonight, I'll be sure to copy the error and post it. I have never let the show go ahead and start with the error going to see if it would. Memory and CPU in task manager look normal.

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And of course.. for the past 3 days, it hasn't had the error.. good thing/bad thing. I want the show to run, but I want the error to occur again so we can track it down!

We've had rain that blows my GFCI circuits, so those days I just have a message playing on the radio telling people the show is cancelled till the next day. Anyway, hope to get more info before the season is over.

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