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S3 License Error...any ideas


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So I renewed my license today and purchase the SuperStar addon to allow up 24 CCR's as well. Trying to register the license and I keeping getting a Registration Error with the message Activation Issue: 10. This is a fresh install of S3 on a new PC. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

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Same Issue 10 here! I emailed them with the following info (including it here in this forum thread for future help to others):

I have a license for S2.... purchased the Super Star 2_ccr package that contains the S2 - to - S3 upgrade license. I retrieved the license code from the email and upon registering I receive:

"Registration error.

Please make sure the name and license key exactly match those in your registration information.

Activation Issue 10"

I've copy-pasted the exact info, typed it in manually, checked for hidden spaces, had my wife do it, reinstalled and tried everything all over again... all to no avail. Here is the info supplied to me in the email:

Name: Scott Kenniston *This license supports S3*
Feature Level: Demo
SuperStar Feature Level: 2_CCR
Seats: 5 Max
Version: 3.7 (and any future versions released by November 30, 2012)
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weazle wrote:

Same Issue 10 here! I emailed them with the following info (including it here in this forum thread for future help to others):

I have a license for S2.... purchased the Super Star 2_ccr package that contains the S2 - to - S3 upgrade license. I retrieved the license code from the email and upon registering I receive:

"Registration error.

Please make sure the name and license key exactly match those in your registration information.

Activation Issue 10"

I've copy-pasted the exact info, typed it in manually, checked for hidden spaces, had my wife do it, reinstalled and tried everything all over again... all to no avail. Here is the info supplied to me in the email:

Name: Scott Kenniston *This license supports S3*
Feature Level: Demo
SuperStar Feature Level: 2_CCR
Seats: 5 Max
Version: 3.7 (and any future versions released by November 30, 2012)

For some reason, your license seems to be showing as demo, don't think that's correct.
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"Feature Level Demo, SuperStar Feature Level something" usually occurs if you purchased the SuperStar license using a different email address than you used to purchase your original LOR license.

I suggest opening a ticket on our help desk about this. Let them know that your SuperStar license was not applied to your original license (presumably due to using a different email address), and they'll take care of it.

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