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12 ccr's aren't playing nice together


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OK, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I got the S3 software with the superstar add on. I have 12 CCR's and I attached one at a time and assigned them each a number from 10 through 21. I wrote a sequence in superstar and I went under "configuration" and under network I have checked standard network and assigned controllers 1-5 (my regular LOR controllers) then I also checked Auxiliary network A and Auxiliary network B and assigned the CCR's 10-15 to "A" and 16-21 to "B"
Then I exported the sequence to a .lms file and opened it in the LOR sequence editor.
In the editor under "edit", "preferences", "network preferences" I told the program to use "Aux A" comm 4 (which has my first 6 CCR's connected) and "Aux B" comm 5 which is the last 6 CCR's connected. I saved the sequence and added it to my show and it won't play. I tried playing it in the sequence editor and it doesn't work (plays in the editor but none of the CCR's light up)
Under the LOR hardware utility when I "refresh" under the proper comm settings it see's all my CCR's properly but nothing is working properly.
I just don't see what I'm missing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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had the same thing. found that had to also change the channel configuration in the lor sequece editor not just the superstar lights configuration. I Think it was tools>channel config> then hit change controller and redo do the ribbons to Aux channels.

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What level of software?

I'm sure you have, but did you click the "control lights" button in the SE? Do you have the blue box in the lower right hand corner showing in the SE? You need both to have your lights controlled in the SE.

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I ended up fixing all the problems.
Resetting all the CCR's (unplugged, held the reset button and plugged back in while holding reset for at least 5 seconds) and reversing the order of the ribbons (number 12 on top and number 1 on the bottom now) fixed all the issues! Everything is working now. Thanks for all your help!

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