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Lights / Music Don't Synch w/ DMX


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I have 32 channels that have been running great on the MP3 Director. I recently purchased an iDMX-1000 to add DMX lighting. To create the DMX sequences I took my 32 channel sequences and saves as _DMX. Therefore, the same music and settings are used as they were previously with the addition of the DMX channels. Now the lights play faster than the music. Out of a 4:30 minute song, the lights finish about 20 seconds faster than the music. I have reverted back to the 32 channels w/o DMX and it runs fine. Is there anything w/ setting up DMX that would effect the synch? Any help is appreciated. By the way, the MP3's are at 128 or 320 bit constant.


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Some additional information:

Everything worked fine when testing through the computer.
The iDMX was powered with a transformer when testing.
The iDMX is now being powered through my number 1 controller via Cat 5
I originally had the chain as MP3 Director - iDMX - Controller Box 1 - Controller Box 2; Now it is MP3 Director - Controller Box 1 - iDMX - Controller Box 2; both configurations have the out of synch problem.
The sequences run fine as configured when there is no DMX in the software sequence (hardware still hoooked up).

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mDM-MP3 firmware updated to latest and greatest- check
reinstalled sequences via hardware utility - check
unchecked lock step - check
iDMX-1000 powered by transformer - check

drum roll - still not synced

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So basically the new version just copied the existing 32 channels as a new 32 channels? If so, it the director wouldn't even know that the new 32 channels are DMX..

Have you created a new card with the old layout, instead of just using the old card?

One other concern, is that I think the directors only formally support 128kbps...

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Do you have a terminator on your last device?

I am just starting to play with my DMX stuff now, with S3, but I was told that a terminator is a must if you don't have one.

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I took the 32 channel sequence and saved it as a new file, i.e. Thriller_32 saved as Thriller_32_DMX. The new file has the original 32 channels as well as the DMX channels for a total of 73 channels. The Triller_32 works fine (no DMX sequencing). The Thriller_32_DMX has the synch problem. Whenever I load a card I erase any files that are on it so I start with a clean card. I thought the 320 bit MP3 may have been the problem so I loaded a show without that file and it still had the synch problem.

Yes it has a terminator.

Would it matter if:
The power cord for the DMX light was plugged into one of the 32 channels (unit 1 channel 5 powers a DMX light while the iDMX-1000 runs the light)
I have 9 DMX lights sequenced but only 2 are hooked up? (sequencing for future shows)

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No, neither of those should matter. Compare if the mp3 firmware relase in the s3 install, or the one on the web site is newer. And confirm it took it. This really sounds like firmware.

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I just downloaded the latest firmware from the website yesterday. I am not using s3 yet. The update did take yesterday. Should I still go through s3 at this time. I was wanting to wait until after this season to upgrade.

Also, the DMX lights are LED - if that makes a difference.

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On the firmware, even 2.9.4 may have newer, or more correct firmware than is on the web site.

Second, and no specific reason other than looking for "differences" do your DMX channels use DMX intensity, or LOR 0-100%?

If DMX, have you tried a version with those channels as LOR 0-100% instead?

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Firmware confirmed. The DMX channels were written with DMX intensities. I re-edited a sequence using LOR intensities instead and it appears the have remained synced. Now to re-edit all my Halloween and Christmas songs. Is there an easy way to convert the intensities from DMX to LOR?

Thanks for hammering things out with me.

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