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DMX Newbie


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If this is addressed in an existing thread I apologize and just point me at the link.

So I'm really enjoying playing with the LOR and Christmas lights. Soon (next year) I'd like to get into RGB, also here in Austin, Texas there are plenty of music venues, etc. and I'd love to learn more about lighting in general.

I hear DMX used in conjunction with RGB quite a bit, I know that DMX is used in the real production shows and have even played with the Mosaic software a bit. But it's just not clicking yet. Is there somewhere I can go to get a general overview of DMX?

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Tim, thanks for the plug!

I would review the above link, and also the material I did for Expo this year. I really attempted to drive home how easy DMX can be, and had to get the light bulb on in 30 minutes.

To "get" RGB, you have to understand DMX to a certain extent. DMX is how you will communicate with RGB elements.

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That is a great lesson and some of it made sense. I guess until I get one and start playing with it or see some of the LOR sequences with DMX used, I am just don't grasp it! :shock:

My goal is for next year to use my LED toys that are DMX ready with a DMX!

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If your a LOR user and want to stay a LOR user then you still can get into RGB without going to DMX as LOR have the CCR and the CCB and hopefully will have the flood available soon so that gives you a few good RGB options without having to use DMX

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