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Network confusion

Becky Scott

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Help!!! I am working on the animation matrix of 24 CCR's. I know I need to use a network (or matrix) with 6 CCR per network. However, I am unsure as to how to set up a network. I have set the unit ids from 1 to 24. I have 4 cat5 running to my computer with the oposite end on units 1,6,13, and 24. But when I use the LOR hardware utility it is only finding 6 units? Any guidance would be great appreciated.


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Thanks Jeff,

I didn't realize it would assign to different comm ports. I think that was one of my main problems. I have an Aquamini USB hub plugged into the computer. So I am assuming when I am assigning unit id's I need to use a separate port within the hub to associate them into that specific network?

One side question - when I try to test the ribbons they are not holding true to their id. For example, I turn on the first circuit on ID #1. When I turn on the 5th circuit of ID #2 a section farther down on ID #1 turns on. Any suggestions? I am thinking I probably need to reset each controller and start from scratch. But I am not sure what I did wrong.

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