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Dennis Laff

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Hello everyone need a little help. I have a idmx lor box rainbow spots rainbow brain cant get lights to come on idmx set to id 08 rainbow brain set to 113 hardware sees idmx 12 volt power to both idmx and brain i test panel can not get any lights to come on what ami doing wrong thanks in advance Dennis Laff

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If you set it to 8 and the HE sees 12.... Hmmmm. Validate the ID of the iDMX. Did you change it from the default?

Make sure you have the Rainbow Brain set properly, the switches on it are backwards to what you may think is on.

I would try setting the Brain to something easy first, like 1 just to ensure it is working. Then move it to your designated ID.

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Hi thanks ichanged id on idmx to 08 hardware finds it as 08 i think my problem is address on rainbow brain really dont know what the right address is anybody have an answer thanks Dennis Laff

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Dennis, Pictures work to help assist. Did you attempt to change it to DMX ID 1 on the brain and test? The rainbow brain has a set of switches. Greg's documentation at one time was sort of confusing. Attempt to get it working at ID 1. Try both directions.

How are you converting from the iDMX to Cat5?
Do not make a cross over cable, just use a regular Cat5. Do you have a good Cat5 cable?

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Hi thanks for trying to help me .i set rainbow brain to id1 both ways all switchs up and down with1 up or down no luck i am using r-j45 to xlr 3 pin adapter from l.o.r lights work if connected to 12v maybe bad brain? Dennis Laff

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Please correct me if I’m wrong...still trying to understand. The LOR DMX data signal are on pinout 4 & 5 of the RJ45 plug and the Standard DMX which the Rainbow Brian uses are on 1 & 2.

So if you’re using the LOR RJ45-XLR adapter, the data is being sent out on the Ethernet cable, but on pins 4 & 5. The RB is looking for the data signal on pins 1 & 2...or at least that’s how I’m understanding it.

The RJ45-XLR adapter that zman linked uses standard DMX config which are pins 1 & 2.

I hope I got this right.

Now for my question...why would LOR send the signal on 4 & 5 if the standard DMX data signal is on 1 & 2?

Here is a presentation I found on DIYC with more info.


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Cracker wrote:

Now for my question...why would LOR send the signal on 4 & 5 if the standard DMX data signal is on 1 & 2?

LOR network wiring was originally developed about the same time as DMX wiring, but there was not connection between them at the time.

One of the basic concepts behind LOR was to make it cost-effective, as opposed to DMX, which is designed for professional use but typically uses expensive cabling and equipment.

One of the cost-effective measures behind LOR was to allow the network to be wired with low-cost telephone cables, which were much less expensive than Cat5 cables back in the early LOR days.

Telephone cables have only 4 wires, so pins 1 & 2 were not available, only 3, 4, 5, and 6. Thus the LOR network uses pins 4 & 5.

Today, a LOR controller will work in DMX mode in a DMX universe, but the wiring is still backwards-compatible with the LOR network wiring, which has never changed. Thus, when a LOR controller is used in a DMX network that is wired with standard XLR connectors, an adapter is needed. That is the purpose of the LOR RJ-45 to XLR adapter. It is not intended to connect to a Cat5 DMX universe.

The DMX RJ-45 wiring avoids pins 4 & 5, because in a professional (large) installation, there is a potential to accidentally plug the RJ-45 into a telephone socket, where significant voltages and currents may be present on those pins.
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Thanks Steven, I figured I would keep it simple. You eloquently blended history and the technology. I learn something all the time. I was not completely aware, nor connected the dots to the RJ15 reason for pins 4&5.

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Hi Mark I ordered the new adapter today . I really appreciate the help i'll let you know if that solved the problem soon as i get it installed .Thanks again Dennis Laff

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