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Kinect anyone? Has anyone connect LOR to a kinect yet?


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I would love to add an arch to my show that was connected to an xbox kinect, I think the kids would love it. But I wouldn't dare undertake this project unless I knew that someone else had been successful.

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I'm not sure if you have looked on youtube or not. There is a video of a person testing this out in their living room. I am not sure what it takes to accomplish this. It looked really cool. Sorry I am I no help. I just wanted to let you know it is possible, in case that was your question.

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This feature is being investigated by another software vendor, but currently there doesnt seem to be any software that supports it with lighting control, but that will change.

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timmy wrote:

I'm not sure if you have looked on youtube or not. There is a video of a person testing this out in their living room. I am not sure what it takes to accomplish this. It looked really cool. Sorry I am I no help. I just wanted to let you know it is possible, in case that was your question.

Yes, I have seen that video. I was hoping someone here had accomplished the same thing. The software is open source, but getting it to work on LOR is what I wasn't sure about. I am not sure I want to start reprogramming the LOR board. ;-)
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Amie wrote:

Yep, that's what I want to do. Just hoping someone here knew how to do it.

Google "Kinect Hack", There is a ton of stuff out there "free" for what you want. I don't understand much about it, but when I Google it, I know I was overwhelmed!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well there is tons of info on how to get data out of kinnect, and several projects to convert that data to dmx - so you could have the kinnect go to pc, read the data , convert the data, send out to dmx via usb and then hook that to a controller.

I doo think its neat, but doesnt make me want to build a show around it.

with a bit of programing, you could have a sort of "table tennis" style game using a moving head fixture and Kinnect - but this wouldnt use LOR at all

You could use Kinnect data to send to LOR input triggers



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This is a really awsome idea, Amie! Let me know if you get it working!
@gizmomkr, how would you convert the data to lor trigger imputs? (it would be a start)

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Brandon, if I get this working, I will certainly let you know how I do it. I'll be buying the kinect this week. But if it has to go through triggers, I may have a problem. I have had serious issues with multiple triggers and haven't figured out the solutions yet.

I am definitely going to try this, but it may not be working in time for this year. I'm still working on getting my fish tank equipment working through LOR, so I can receive text messages when there are problems. I'd like to get that working first. Plus, I want to get the xml code rewritten for the lcc before I start programming my songs this year. I refuse to go another year without that code fix.

As for the kinect, I was thinking of having the roofline lights display the traffic on the street or the people walking on the sidewalk. Or set up an arch over the driveway that will turn on and follow people as they walk along side of it. If I could afford the LED Ribbons (CCRs?), I could put those around the perimeter of the front yard and when people walked by, lights could follow them as they walked along the sidewalk. When they stopped, the lights would stop, when they moved, the lights would move. Kids would probably like that. I can think of a lot of ideas that wouldn't interrupt the music sequences too bad, just make it more fun for the kids that come by every night, night after night, to see the christmas lights.

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Brandon -

There are several approaches. The one that makes the most sense to me is interfacing the Kinnect with Audrino, and then letting that define relay triggers.

It will take some code to get something meaningfull - Kinnect is putting out a lot of data, but interpreting the data and deciding how to respond or trigger something is a fairly involved process.

But again I have to add, Kinnect is a sensor outputing controll signals - It makes a lot more sense (to me anyway) to let it output DMX and talk directly to a controller - Kinnect--S2--Controller is somewhat repetitive, or just over complicating the task.

The controller needs data - it should get data from S2, or kinnect - not one hooked to another.

If you just want to trigger a sequence with motion, buy some PIR's and connect those as input triggers - they cost about 10 bucks.

If you want lights to respond based on based on movement or patterns of movment, let Kinnect talk DMX to the controller.

I think I'd start with one of the kinnect education SDK's. They make it REALLY easy for anyone to map a movment to a key. you could get that to do a btach menu or trigger something in LOR. The software and some good info can be found here :



Id try and be more specific, but I dont have a connect (and I'd rather buy 150.00 worth of RGB Pixels)

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