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Hey gang. I have 112 DMX dimmers that I use, as I only discovered LOR this past year (have yet to use it), and used to use PC Stage. Because of that, I will not yet own any LOR equipment, except for the software, and the iDMX deal. I wont be purchasing the iDMX until October, but need to start re-programming my show on LOR. I have set the music sequence with 1 channel, added a device, iDMX, and set that to 112 channels.
This is where I need help confirming that I am doing this correctly. Now that I have done this, I will plan on using and renaming those 112 iDMX channels appropriately. Am I good so far? Or am I already screwing up...?
I am seeing some major issues upon trying to hook all this up, as it seems its more user friendly for their own equipment, and not really for a bunch of different DMX devices. :(

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When you get your iDMX, the first thing you will do is to re-ID it. They used to come out of LOR set as device E0. Re-ID it to someing that does not end in "zero". This way you will be set up for full DMX512 support. As an example, my iDMX's are ID'd A1 & A2.

Your sequences will be then set up to you iDMX controller, in my example above:

A1 - 1 to 112

What you haven't said is how those 112 DMX dimmers are divvy'd up. Are they single units, in multiples of 8 or 16?

On my site in the How-To is a decent DMX/LOR primer. Not sure if it will help you or not at this stage.

Straight DMX is DMX. You require comms and power. They are separate.

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