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4th of July Show more details on build


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I have had a few requests on some close ups of the flag and firework in my display.

Here are a few photos.

The first one is a close up of the rear star field of the flag. The flag is the Large size, from Holiday Coro 2' x 4'. About 3,000 incandescents. It is nice and large.

Here are the videos if you want to check the goodies out in action

Attached files 252300=13727-starfield.jpg

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Here is the back of the flag.

The frame was made of 1 1/2" PVC, two 90degree elbows, 2 T's and 4 lengths of pvc for the top and sides. We used some really nice large head machine screws and screwed the coro right into the pvc. It is holding up really nice.

The flag was painted per the instructions in the kit from Holiday coro, and it was really easy to do. Having the pre drilled holes for lights made it go really quick, two evenings and all lights were done.

The flag is 15 channels, 13 on the stripes, 1 for the stars and 1 for the blue star field.

Attached files 252302=13730-flagback.jpg

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The firework looks good, but it really needs an "engineering adjustment" next year...

My vision on this was great, but the 1/2" pvc was just not strong enough to support the 8 - 5 foot length's. I used one of those ok, but it is really too flimsy by itself, once you get 400 lights on a stick, and times 8...well you know.. I had to use incandescents, because I could not get the colors I wanted in the off season in LEDs.

So it is not pretty during the day, we put a couple supporting boards, and at least got it up there. The firework is 10 ft in diameter, and is up about 14 feet or so.

The firework trail is my reused mega arch from Christmas. One of the advantages of using sleeves in arch construction, is that you can reuse the sections.

Attached files 252303=13731-engineeringsetup.jpg

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One last shot of the front yard and Flag from the front.

The stars are from Darryl over at Chirstmaslightshow.com and 3 channels red, white blue incandescents.

The poles are 5 channels red, and I used them as VU meters in a couple songs, utilizing the VU wizard in S2. The red sections of LEDs on the poles are reused from my mini arch's. The PVC was soft enough to bend straight onto the upright straight poles and worked out nice.

Attached files 252305=13733-setupend.jpg

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A VU meter is like what is on stereos to graphically show the sound. The old style are analog needles, the more modern are LED or LCD type graphics.

The VU wizard is one of the tools in the S2 software that you can use to make a vu meter with your lights. By using several channels, the vu wizard allows you to turn on channels by the intensity of the volume, thus a VU meter looking event.

If you check out this video of Johnny Cash talking in Ragged Old Flag, you will get an idea of how it works.


Here are a couple really good posts on the subject.



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GREAT JOB!! That firework is HUGE!!! and an insane amount of lights on the flag.... LOVE IT

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IMPRESSIVE! You put together a great show. The picts of the back of the Flag look a bit intimidating.
Very Nice job!

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  • 2 weeks later...

paulanator wrote:

The flag is 15 channels, 13 on the stripes, 1 for the stars and 1 for the blue star field.
That leaves one channel for the GOLD fringe around the perimeter of the flag! That would look awesome!

Dino - KX6D
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The assembled flag with PVC is about 50-60 lbs, it is really a two person thing to move.

That is without the heavy metal stand that it slides down onto.

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  • 4 months later...

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