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Ccr enclosure


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goduke21 wrote:

What type of enclosure's are you guys using and where did you get them.

I'm guessing you are talking about covering the power supply and controller, and not the ribbon itself?

The ribbon I have mounted on the house uses an old cable splitter box mounted to the siding. The two CCRs in the yard share a Lock and Lock container I spray painted green and mounted on a 2' pole. I have the container upside down and a notch in the lid (bottom) for the wires to come out- I also zip tied the items in the container and used silicone to keep water out of the sides where my ties come through-the hole in the bottom for wires is not siliconed.
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Two different boxes I have used.
The top smaller one from Lowes had a single controller and power supply. It got a lot of moisture in it but nothing failed.

The lower one is 11x14. I bought them used for only $11 and it held 4. http://www.skycraftsurplus.com (no longer avail)
It has the RJ45 Ethernet Connectors and had no moisture problem. ( got those free!)


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  • 2 months later...

I'm bumping this thread for myself and everyone else that just ordered their first CCRs and need enclosures.

I'm looking for one that can be used for 2 CCRs, planing on making 4 arches and figured the best thing to do would be put the controllers / power supplies in one box in the center. is that a good plan or will it make sequencing harder?

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ItsMeBobO wrote:

Two different boxes I have used.
The top smaller one from Lowes had a single controller and power supply. It got a lot of moisture in it but nothing failed.

The lower one is 11x14. I bought them used for only $11 and it held 4. http://www.skycraftsurplus.com (no longer avail)
It has the RJ45 Ethernet Connectors and had no moisture problem. ( got those free!)


I would make the following suggestion that has worked very well for myself. I use Romex type clamps as seen in Bob's picture above. I make sure the screws are facing down when the clamp is tightened to my cheap Tupperware type containers. Than I get some cheap duct seal- looks like a block of kids clay from the electrical dept. at the big home improvement store=cost about 2 bucks= and cover the clamp. I get one block of duct seal and it does many many clamp covers. We get lots of snow and rain here in Ohio and my clamp has never leaked. By January my containers are buried in the snow. No moisture issues. The duct seal just peals off when I take down the display and I remove all the connections for disassembly and storage. The clay is stiffer to use in the cold weather so I try and get it installed when it's above 40 degrees outside.

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