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lights staying on

Ron Paulsen

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hi guys i have a 32 channel system soon to be 48 but quite often when i run a show after it ends and during the show some channels leave there lights on i cant figure out why it is doing this even when the system turns itself of for the lights some mornings i come out and theres still lights on

thanks if anyone can help me with this

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Is it possible that you have "Leave lights on at end of sequence" checked?

Seems unlikely, since they would turn off anyway when the show ends, but it's still possible.

Otherwise, I think that there might be some sort of not-too-uncommon issue with hardware that would keep a channel on? Bad triacs, or something like that? I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar with the hardware. Hopefully someone else will jump in here with more detail on what I'm referring to. If not, I would suggest sending an email to support@lightorama.com about it.

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