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Sequence using 2 CCRs as arches


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I finally did a sequence using a traditional arch layout. I usually like to use fast lively songs because it is easy to do a flashy sequence to them. But this time I took on the challenge of sequencing to "Walking in the Air" from "The Snowman." It is a slower song, and one of my favorites. There is a video on youtube at:

One of my favorite effects is at 0:25 into the video, it is an exploding fireworks effect using a decelerating chase sequence. At 0:30 is an effect that looks like water dripping off the edges of a bowl, this uses an accelerating chase sequence.

This was actually the first time I have ever done a leaping arch. I can see why they are popular, it was easy to construct and set up and they look impressive.

By the way, no macros were used to create this sequence. It is all raw pixel commands. No way you could do these effects with macros.

-Brian Bruderer
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ainsworth wrote:

Nicely done.

Did you do your sequencing using S2 or another tool?

look forward to seeing your full display videos


I used software that I developed myself. It is specialized software made to sequence CCRs and Firefli. My web site is www.superstarlights.com
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BrianBruderer wrote:

I finally did a sequence using a traditional arch layout. I usually like to use fast lively songs because it is easy to do a flashy sequence to them. But this time I took on the challenge of sequencing to "Walking in the Air" from "The Snowman." It is a slower song, and one of my favorites. There is a video on youtube at:

One of my favorite effects is at 0:25 into the video, it is an exploding fireworks effect using a decelerating chase sequence. At 0:30 is an effect that looks like water dripping off the edges of a bowl, this uses an accelerating chase sequence.

This was actually the first time I have ever done a leaping arch. I can see why they are popular, it was easy to construct and set up and they look impressive.

By the way, no macros were used to create this sequence. It is all raw pixel commands. No way you could do these effects with macros.

-Brian Bruderer

When watching the video I noticed a few things slightly out of synch and it dawned on me that in the exploding fireworks effect at 0:25 I was using a constant chase for the upward part of the fireworks, I have change that to a decerlating chase. The new video is at:

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Looks good. Is there any way I could get a look at your sequence for that dripping water effect? I have four CCR arches and would like to incorporate that effect into one of my sequences.

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ryebred wrote:

Looks good. Is there any way I could get a look at your sequence for that dripping water effect? I have four CCR arches and would like to incorporate that effect into one of my sequences.

Sure, send me an email to brian@superstarlights.com and I will reply with an attachment. In my software I do chase sequences using an effect I call a morph. It may sound like a strange term but it expands on the idea of a chase to mean changing from a start to an end, and several parameters can all change from the start to the end.

The water dripping off the edge of a bowl is done with two accelerating morphs, each one starting from the center and going to the edge. The acceleration is what gives appearance of rolling off the edge of a bowl. There is also a trailing ramp which is what leaves the trail. I know it may all sound confusing but its just a matter of setting a few parameters in a dialog box and defining the start and end time. And once you add the effect it is easy to select it, modify the color, time length or any of the other parameters. You can modify entire groups at once and you can copy paste groups. In the sequence there are of course many drips running of the edge very quickly, I of course did one pair, and then copy pasted to produce all the rest.

-Brian Bruderer
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  • 2 weeks later...

I may have bitten off more then I should have for a newbie. I have finished my songs and was going to pass on the arches as I had planned to use the CCR and have no idea how to add them to the Sequences that I have prepared. I have read the various manuals including the lastest one from 11/22 but am completely lost on have to program them in.

I am looking for simple, white arches or blue fading to white and just leaping, or starting in middle to end, end to middle. My son in law put up the arches but I have no idea how to make the CCR duplicate an leaping arch and then add it to the sequence.

Should I forget it for this year?


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Nancy Harris wrote:

I may have bitten off more then I should have for a newbie. I have finished my songs and was going to pass on the arches as I had planned to use the CCR and have no idea how to add them to the Sequences that I have prepared. I have read the various manuals including the lastest one from 11/22 but am completely lost on have to program them in.

I am looking for simple, white arches or blue fading to white and just leaping, or starting in middle to end, end to middle. My son in law put up the arches but I have no idea how to make the CCR duplicate an leaping arch and then add it to the sequence.

Should I forget it for this year?


Forget the CCRs? I answer a resounding "Nooooooooo," they will be the coolest part of your light show. Go to www.superstarlights.com and click on the video link under the word "Sequences" and you can see videos of what your CCRs can do.

You can of course do fades and leaps in my software. The beginning of the tutorial in the download covers "scenes" which will do fades, and "morphs" will do the leaps.

Also, my software will create an "Instant Sequence" for you. Download the free demo, click on the Tools menu, select "Instant Sequence" and you will have a sequence in seconds. At the beginning of the tutorial are instructions on how to create and import timings from the song of your choice.

If you have further questions feel free to email me at brian@superstarlights.com
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Do I need to download into my LOR software folder and sequences? I have it downloaded on my desktop but don't seem to see anything but the written instructions on the Word document.

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The tutorial is in a file named SSEditTutorial.doc

It sounds like you found SSEditTutorial, the program file is named SSEdit_1.4.4.4_Demo and it should be in the same directory with the tutorial.

To launch the program file:

1) Right click onthe Windows Start icon in the lower left of the computer screen

2) Select "Open Windows Explorer" or depending on which operating system you have, it may just say "Explorer"

3) In Windows Explorer, look for the SuperStar folder and double click on it

4) In the SuperStar folder you should see both the tutorial file and the program file

5) Double click on the program file (SSEdit_1.4.4.4_Demo)

After launching the program, click on the Tools menu and select Instant Sequence and you can see the instant sequences you can make

Feel free to post another message if you have questions

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