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Some of the lights are working but...


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Forgive me if this problem as been posted. I searched 5 pages deep with no luck. Did get really confused though. This is my first year.

All 48 channels work or light up. When I run a sequence some of the lights are turning on and off but on the wrong channel, other channel aren't on and another channel stays on. I have run Hardware Utility and all lights turn on and off. I have gone thru all 48 channels individually and they all light up and are correct. I click the test button and nothing happens or at least no errors show up. Everthing runs fine on the visualizer. Ch.1 thru 6 turn on and off on the visualizer correctly but when I run the sequence then Ch. 1 turn on and off as Ch. 30 or Ch 40 stays on. I have ch 10 thru 18 devoted to blue lights on the front of the house. Ch 10 for garage. Ch11 for front door, ch12 for left front window. ch13 for right front window and so forth. The visualizer shows ch 10 coming on then 11 then 12 and so forth and all is well but when I run the sequence the light outside ch 10 comes on then 11 but not 12 but 13 comes on and 14 is a different color and is on constant. I am running windowsXP.

I will remember the person who has the answer in my prayers . Thanks for all the help in advance.


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Have you checked the channel property to make sure that all the channels are assigned correctly to the right controller?

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Channel property? I have used the Hardware Utility and have gone thru all 48 channels individually to see which lights lit up. All the channels seem to be assigned to the correct locations. Channel property? I am not familar with it.

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If you open a sequence, at the top under tools, select channel property grid, it will open a window that shows all of your lights names, what controller they are assigned to, the color you have selected, and what channel they are assigned to. Hope that helps.

Had to edit due to bad spelling, my bad.

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I would also suggest running the Verifier program.

Are any CFL's in use?

Are your power cords separated from your cat5 data cables?

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melmark4 wrote:

Thanks Pete I'll look into this when I get back from running errands.


If Petes suggestion does not work, I would then look to see if you have your animation set up correctly.

For example, perhaps where you think a certain set of pixels is set to ch 12 is really set to ch 30.
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The visualizer shows ch 10 coming on then 11 then 12 and so forth and all is well but when I run the sequence the light outside ch 10 comes on then 11 but not 12 but 13 comes on and 14 is a different color and is on constant. I am running windowsXP.

I will remember the person who has the answer in my prayers . Thanks for all the help in advance.


I might be way off base here but...you sqy channel 14 is a different colour.

Have you made sure the right channel is connected to the correct set of lights?

Last year I had marked the channels on my controllers wrong! Use the Hardware utility to confirm each channel is correct.
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I thought I read the Op saying that when using the hardware utility that all of the lights lite as expected.

I need to point out to the OP, the visualizer is keyed to a channel name. Not to the channel address. Where as the actual lights and controllers are keyed to the Controller address and channel address. Thus your seq can look good in the visualizer.

Cause the right lights lit when you used the utility, it appears that the right lights are on the right channel. So, this leaves the question if you have program the right address to the right channel? Do you have a noise problem on the comm. cable? Thats about the only things I can think of. But I believe these two things have already been mentioned. So, I agree with those gents.

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melmark4 wrote:

Thanks Pete I'll look into this when I get back from running errands.


My gosh man, how many errands do you have to run??? You got lights to put up! :(

Did you find out anything???
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Thank to all for your help. Pete, you had the correct solution. I know I have lights to put up but I only had 1,400 miles left on the 50,000 mile warranty when the 'check engine' light came on. The loaner car gives you a massage while you drive. Sweet! Drove right past my exit.

Anyway it took me quite some time to fix the channel grids. Ran a short show last night and only have a couple channels still wrong. You were in my prayers last night.

Again thanks to all for your inputs. Thanks to all the Vets out there.

Later in Life,


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