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Controller order

John (oldandslow)

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Can I connect controller 5 to 3 and 1 to 4 or do they have to be connected in order 1,2,3,4,5 etc.

Can I put my laptop in 5 and still run a sequence?

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Controllers can be connected in any order.

The first controller in the chain can also be any controller. Assuming that you aren't connecting two sources (meaning two computers trying to run the sequences) to the chain, you can connect to #5.

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And just to complete the thought:

If you have 6 controllers, they don't necessarily have to be labeled as 1 though 6 on your network either. I have 6 (now 7) "traditional" controllers, which do happen to have IDs of 1 through 7. I got 2 CCRs this year, and came to think of them as "A" and "B", and ended up making their IDs as such -

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