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Daisy Chain?


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You can set them both with the same address and they will do the exact same thing. Which means you will the the power of two controllers. So, to answer your question, yes you can.

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Hi Jackie,

your question is a bit vague, so my answer might not be what you are talking about.

I am going to presume that what you are asking is this. If you have a device that you want to control that requires say 15 amps and each output can source only 8 amps. Could you address to controllers to the same address and then have say channel 2 turn on, on both controllers. Then take a wire from both channel 2 outputs and tie them together, so you have 16 Amps available.

In theory, the answer is yes, but I am not really sure if the Triacs will like this. Jackie is this what you are hoping to do? If so, lets wait and see what the hive mind thinks about this. I am kind of uncertain about this arrangement.

P.S. Hope you both are doing well. Met you at the KC meeting last year.

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Hi Max--Hope all is well with you.

My 40 amp controller is maxed out. I am wanting to add more lights using the same address. Can I add another controller with the same address to turn on the extra lights?

Hope this makes it more clear!


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Thanks for your reply HowardShank---

What do you mean by multiple devices? I am wanting to Daisy Chain 2 LOR controllers with the same address to get additional power. Does the multiple devices you are referring to mean multiple controllers?

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You currently can have two devices (controllers) at the same address, responding to the same commands, and doing the same thing. Divide up your load, so that some of the load is plugged into one controller, and some is plugged into the other. Don't tie the outputs of the two controllers together. (For multiple reasons)

I will say that usually when I am getting a controller maxed out, I usually wind up wanting separate control of the divided up channels anyway, for more granularity of control.

This year, we will have some tree tops where the C7's will be divided across 12 channels, of 26 bulbs each, for each of 3 colors. Last year, at 7 strings for each of 3 colors, twinkling the whole thing was pretty amazing. I'm expecting it to get better with this increase.

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Just a thought...I would not have the 2 controllers at the same address (though I suspect you technically can). I would have them on separate addresses, but you can clone the sequencing (for example, copy and paste the sequencing of controller A ch1-16 to the rows of controller B Ch 17-32). They will therefore be exact duplicates of each other (just like sharing the same address). However by doing it this way, you would then have the option to change the sequencing of ch17-32 for certain songs, or parts of songs if you choose. You may not want to now, but may find a desire to later. In other words, create sequenced clones of 2 controllers, rather than physical clones, to give you more options for the 2nd controller.

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I have used the same address on two controller also. I have mini trees in the front and back yard using two different controller on the same address with no problem.


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Hi Jackie,

I see that you clarified what you where wanting to do. And I will chime in with the rest of the guys.

Yes, what you are planning to do will work. I was just concerned that you might have wanted to actually wire the outputs together. But I now see you are going to have a string of lights on one controller and a string of lights on the other controller but both on the same channel. This is the right way to do it.

Take care of yourself and oh gosh I think it is Walt. I am bad with names if I dont use them often enough.

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(Sorry if it was already metioned and this is redundant).

Some Notes:

1. If you have multiple controllers with the same unit ID you cannot use their inputs.

2. When you do a refresh in the Hardware Utility only one controller will show for the Unit ID AND that controller may look messed up. For example it may not always appear and when it does appear it may have the wrong device type specified or may say something like "unknown device". None of this affects the actual performance of the controllers and they will act as clones (as described above).


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