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Security - now I am the victim


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Shubb wrote:

The motion camera's run 24/7. Having them down low helps to see their face, but is also easy to smash/disable. That's why most people mount them up high, out of reach of the bad guys.

Yeah, there's always that chance. But until they spot them all you're going to get a nice, clear shot of their face coming up to the camera with the mallet in hand just before they smash them. It's pretty good evidence...especially when the higher, wide shot camera shows them doing it. :-)
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jeffandnicole wrote:

Shubb wrote:

The motion camera's run 24/7. Having them down low helps to see their face, but is also easy to smash/disable. That's why most people mount them up high, out of reach of the bad guys.

Yeah, there's always that chance. But until they spot them all you're going to get a nice, clear shot of their face coming up to the camera with the mallet in hand just before they smash them. It's pretty good evidence...especially when the higher, wide shot camera shows them doing it. :-)

That reminds me of the "Stupid Criminal" video's (I absolutely love those)
The bad guy breaks into a store and after pillaging and plundering, he climbs up and steals the camera, to protect his identity. Smart thinking, huh?
The camera gets several seconds of close up shots before removed.
All the time the DVR remained safe and secure to store the images for police.
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Just in case, I have relocated the dvr hard-drive into a fire proof wall safe and wall papered over it, so that if they got smart and stoll the dvr they would have unhooked the hard drive and left the hard drive behind.

Also used a UPS power supply on the dvr and cameras.

Also have two simi-hidden day/night cameras in the house.

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At some point the auto insurance industry offered a bigger discount if you had anti-lock brakes than if you had air bags. Their thoughts were avoid the accident vs preventing injury.

An alarm sign in your front yard will deter most burglars.

My point is Prevent first.

If you have a full video security system, I guess you will have some satisfaction from watching them vandalize your display and hopefully you'll get a good picture of them. Maybe after the police have prosecuted them for vandalism, they pay their fines, spend some time in jail, you can then sue them for the damages. In the mean time you're having to rebuild your display.

I know what your are about to say: "It's most likely neighborhood kids". So now you must deal with the social aspect of approaching the parents or having the police do it for you. Not so great for the neighborhood.

Again Prevent first. Don't hide your cameras. Post warning signs. Light up the area.

I leave my lights on a 20-60% slow fade all night. LIGHT
I mounted realistic looking video cameras so all can see them. VISUAL DETERRENT
I post a sign that what say "Keep out - High Voltage" and "Monitored By Video Cameras". WARNING

I have had no problems for three years.

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Scott T wrote:

I post a sign that what say "Keep out - High Voltage" and "Monitored By Video Cameras". WARNING

Is this a home made sign or something you purchased .... good idea !

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I have seen them on-line, but I made my using 11x17 paper. I put clear contact paper on top, then built a small frame out of furring (1"x2") strips. Painted the wood black. I would have attached a picture but they are buried deep in the decorations.

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My dog kept barking and I thought he was being annoying so I brought him inside my home for the night. I have not had the time to take down a guitar I used last month for a 4th of July display.

I was in my in my room and heard some voices outside my window so I looked out and four boys were trying to steal my guitar. I had it anchored down so the wind would not blow it over. They were trying really hard to be quite and steal it. I then opened my window and asked them what they were doing and they all jumped and took off.

They did not get the guitar and my junk yard dog is back on guard duty. I went ahead and took the guitar down just in case they want to come back and try and steal it again.

Attached files 208898=11618-DSCF1185.JPG

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Heck the next day I would have gone to the local farm supply store and bought one of the electric fence chargers and some bare wire. Would have wired up the cut-out and charged it. I am sure that they are bare handed. I also would have watered the ground real good just before night fall. Then charged the cut-out and waited with video camera. Soon as I heard some cussing I would have turned on the lights and jumped out with camera a rolling. Trying to hold it still while laughing my A.O. Then find out who they are and take the film to the police.

Little peckers mess with me I'll fix them. Also here in MO we have the right to defend ourselves. If they want to come back and cause more trouble they might not like looking down the barrel of a 12ga shotgun. I am tired of A.O.s who want to distroy for fun.

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Last year my sons set some of my carved pumpkins out by the street and then waited up on our roof with paintball guns. They are full auto and they have large hoppers. After about 30 mins a couple of kids did try and smash the pumpkins and my boys opened up on them.

They waited for another two long cold hours but no ones seemed to be interested after that in smashing my pumpkins. Image that.

My youngest son was in class the next day a school and one of the boys started to complain about getting shot with paintballs the night before and he could not help but laugh out loud. He really got a kick out of that.

I have been fortunate up to this point. I do have a dog in the yard and cameras. I would prefer to not have any issues so I think I am going to go with some motion lights as well.

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Max-Paul wrote:

Heck the next day I would have gone to the local farm supply store and bought one of the electric fence chargers and some bare wire. Would have wired up the cut-out and charged it. I am sure that they are bare handed. I also would have watered the ground real good just before night fall. Then charged the cut-out and waited with video camera. Soon as I heard some cussing I would have turned on the lights and jumped out with camera a rolling. Trying to hold it still while laughing my A.O. Then find out who they are and take the film to the police.

I know you're probably half-joking, but the chances of any one of our houses getting hit is very remote, and they probably won't try coming back anyway. Besides...if they did come to your house, it'll probably be in the 2 minute period that you went to the bathroom!!!
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In addition to adding motion activated lights I am also thinking about the following:

This would be easier than staying out all night waiting for some little booger to do something stupid.
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Well J,
Maybe in a big city like you live in the liberals will stomp on their hankies and blubber about a poor boy getting a good jolt. But out here in the country side, trespassing is not taken to to kindly. That and fingering someones property gets an even more dim view. So, a electric fence charger giving some kid with sticky fingers trespassing aint going to get to much sympathy from the local judge. I suppose that is why there is more crime in them big cities and less so in the sticks.

Jeff, not totally tongue in cheek. Dont cotton to well to punks tearing up other peoples stuff and getting a kick out of it. If they are going to get a kick, then I am going to enjoy a kick to the shoulder.

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Scott T wrote:

At some point the auto insurance industry offered a bigger discount if you had anti-lock brakes than if you had air bags. Their thoughts were avoid the accident vs preventing injury.

An alarm sign in your front yard will deter most burglars.

My point is Prevent first.

If you have a full video security system, I guess you will have some satisfaction from watching them vandalize your display and hopefully you'll get a good picture of them. Maybe after the police have prosecuted them for vandalism, they pay their fines, spend some time in jail, you can then sue them for the damages. In the mean time you're having to rebuild your display.

I know what your are about to say: "It's most likely neighborhood kids". So now you must deal with the social aspect of approaching the parents or having the police do it for you. Not so great for the neighborhood.

Again Prevent first. Don't hide your cameras. Post warning signs. Light up the area.

I leave my lights on a 20-60% slow fade all night. LIGHT
I mounted realistic looking video cameras so all can see them. VISUAL DETERRENT
I post a sign that what say "Keep out - High Voltage" and "Monitored By Video Cameras". WARNING

I have had no problems for three years.
Yea, but the good one is, what do you do when someone decides to steal your FAKE camera??
To do this, the "perp" came under my carport, found my wash bucket, dumped the brush and sponge out of it on the carport, fliped it over in front of the shrub, clipped the cable ( yep they must had staked it out before since the "perp" cut the "fake cable" that I had extended into the attic), then broke off the Camera from the mount. MY dogs must had went nuts during this, and may have, but we have so many "dog walkers at night right now since it is so hot, we do tend to ignore the dogs barking at the window, or close off the front room so they cannot get in there... guess we can't do that anymore. Now the wife wants to invest in a real camera system...

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If someone really wants to get you, then they are going to get you. Fake or Real cameras.

Were they just going for the camera or where they taking out the camera so they could steal/vandalize?

BTW: My cameras are mounted on the second story.

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Scott T wrote:


If someone really wants to get you, then they are going to get you. Fake or Real cameras.

Were they just going for the camera or where they taking out the camera so they could steal/vandalize?

BTW: My cameras are mounted on the second story.

Hi Scott,

yes I do know if someone is going to "get you" they will. So far we have had little to no issues in my neighborhood, but we do have quite a few new people living in this neighborhood now.

Honestly I am not sure what the motive was, We actually got a pretty good laugh about it... but my dogs will always have access to that front window now. Best alarm I have!

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toddmoon wrote:

If having a dog for security is not your thing and you do want to go with electronics then why not add a little extra to it. If vandals enter your yard then add some pain to their vandalism.


And yes I realize that their are all of the liability issues and some little twerp would try and sue me for pain and suffering but I would go for a trial by jury I think they would let me off, I hope. ;)

As long as it is on your own property and you have no trestpassing signs on your property then you are fine the little vandal cant sue speaking of vandals a local news paper in my area calls vandals diffrent names like nerdwells , lunkheads low lifes and other funny names

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I saw a video on line once for a home made trip wire you take a single pole switch drill a hole in the toggle and run fishing line throug it and attach it to an other object and hook a light or other objects in it so when some one bumps or trips the fishing line it causes the item to turn on and scare away the low lifes away from you display

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T110431 wrote:

toddmoon wrote:
If having a dog for security is not your thing and you do want to go with electronics then why not add a little extra to it. If vandals enter your yard then add some pain to their vandalism.

And yes I realize that their are all of the liability issues and some little twerp would try and sue me for pain and suffering but I would go for a trial by jury I think they would let me off, I hope. :)

As long as it is on your own property and you have no trestpassing signs on your property then you are fine the little vandal cant sue ..

Perhaps they can't, but their parents most certainly can, and do!

I am not a lawyer, but I can tell you no trespassing signs, while they may be a psychological deterent to some folks, do not cover you legally, for anything! That has been shown in legal precedence, time and time again...

People in multiple states have successfully sued, and obtained awards for injuries they incurred on other's properties, even with no trespassing signs clearly posted.

If a minor incurs injuries while on your property, as a result of a deliberately designed deterrent, such as a paintball weapon (ie suffers impaired eyesight, due to a direct hit to his/her eye), I would not want to be in your shoes!:shock:

Your homeowners policy would more than likely not cover the damages, which you then would be personally liable for, as this was caused by something that was put there by design, and you (as a responsible adult) should have been aware of the possible outcomes!

Then there is the consideration of potential of criminal charges for actions taken against, in this case, a minor.

None of us want these vandals to get away with causing damage to our display, but we live in a society that is based on lay person juries that are known to award (often excessive) damages based on emotional considerations, rather than factual. That happens all the time!

After all - we are talking protecting display elements vs causing personal injuries.

All things being considered, as homeowners we risk hazard related claims just from opening our displays to folks (ie from tripping and falling, etc), without needing to add to that with intentionally including devices that are known to cause additional injuries. (one reason why paintball ranges mandate face shields/masks, etc)

Bottom line - we need to keep our priorities straight.

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it all depends if your state adopted the castle doctorin or stand your ground doctorin

But I tell you what if the punks come on my property and damage or touch anything all I better say is that I better never find them for their safty

the area I live in is known as RED NECK CITY

if you break into some ones house or even steal some thing on their front yard you will get a 30 odd 6 up your butt

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