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Questions on Amps

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So I'm trying to get a feel for how many strings of what kind of light I can run at once, and I'm getting real confused...

As I understand it, my 16 channel LOR box can have 8 amps max per channel, 15 amps per 8 channels, for a total of 30 amps.

So I'm looking on the web to see what strings typically are.

I'm using http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/ as my samples, because they list amps - I have not bought anything from them (or anyone else) yet.

On http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/productdetail.htm?productid=1587&CategoryID=458 they have a C9 string - but it's 5 amps? Can that be right? As in if I plug 2 together, it would overload a channe?

Yet the LED equivalent at http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/productdetail.htm?productid=17706&CategoryID=739 is .02 Amps?

Also, sometimes I see watts (like in the led, it says 3.6 watts) - do I need to keep an eye on watts?

The mini-string I have at home (450 mini's memory serving) I think said was .51 amps for the string.. but I dunno the length.

Can someone shed some light on this please?

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As I understand it, my 16 channel LOR box can have 8 amps max per channel, 15 amps per 8 channels, for a total of 30 amps.

This is correct.

On http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/productdetail.htm?productid=1587&CategoryID=458 they have a C9 string - but it's 5 amps? Can that be right? As in if I plug 2 together, it would overload a channel?

That page is listing the amperage capacity of the wire. Average C9 bulbs are 7 watts per bulb. 25 bulbs * 7 watts = 175 watts divided by 120 volts = 1.46 amps.

That's correct. LED's pull very little power.

Also, sometimes I see watts (like in the led, it says 3.6 watts) - do I need to keep an eye on watts?

Yes. If you look above, I showed you how to calculate watts to amps.

The mini-string I have at home (450 mini's memory serving) I think said was .51 amps for the string.. but I dunno the length.

That sounds about right. Those are usually 3 strings of 150 lights. No ideas as to the length of them, though.
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Lets take your questions one at a tine

snip: As I understand it, my 16 channel LOR box can have 8 amps max per channel, 15 amps per 8 channels, for a total of 30 amps.

That is true only if both halfs of your LOR controller is supplied my different circuits (different outlets on different 15 amp breakers.

snip: On http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/productdetail.htm?productid=1587&CategoryID=458 they have a C9 string - but it's 5 amps? Can that be right? As in if I plug 2 together, it would overload a channe?

If you read closer the current carrying capability of the wire is 5 amps. If you want to know how many lights you can put on a channel I would recommend using the table at this link, it is a good reference http://www.planetchristmas.com/FigurePower.htm

snip: Yet the LED equivalent at http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/productdetail.htm?productid=17706&CategoryID=739 is .02 Amps?

LED's (Light Emiting Diodes) draw concederably less current but also much more expensive.

snip: Also, sometimes I see watts (like in the led, it says 3.6 watts) - do I need to keep an eye on watts?

Watts = Volts X Amps, I think it better for most people to stay with amps, much less confussing.

snip: The mini-string I have at home (450 mini's memory serving) I think said was .51 amps for the string.. but I dunno the length.

Each set of lights by different manufactures have different lengths and amps (current) so there is know way to know for sure, but 450 at only .51 amps does not sound right, I suspect it was 150 lights.

Hope this was of some Help


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Thank you both for the quick answers. I was hoping I wouldn't have to to go back to Circuits 101 (because I remember v=Ir and some other nightmares), so I'm glad I can just stick with the simple formulas.

The link with the chart is very handy - I'll be looking it over.

On pricing, it looks like a C9 with bulbs is around $13, while the LED equivalent is $17 (I think that's 25 bulbs each), so the cost doesn't seem much different - especially when you factor in the longer life & some minor electric savings.

How is the illumination on the LED vs regular bulb? From the power math standpoint, it looks like if I get LEDs, I can basically not worry about doing any math. At .02, it would take 400 of them to load up a single channel (!!)


On the side, I know there is a LOR Wiki, and this forum - am I missing other places to get info? Have I missed a good FAQ with link to thinks like the power page.. perhaps something on wireless controlling a box.. building mini & mega trees.. etc.. fm receivers.. links to videos with specific items (like here's a list of 10 videos that use mega-trees)?

(I think I need to spend more time on the LOR Wiki)

Thanks again,


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>>Each set of lights by different manufactures have different lengths and amps (current) so there is know way to know for sure, but 450 at only .51 amps does not sound right, I suspect it was 150 lights.

Thinking about this a bit - the box said 450 lights, but came with 3 seperate strands. So it certainly could be 150 lights per strand at .51 amps per strans like you think.

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polstein7 wrote:

On the side, I know there is a LOR Wiki, and this forum - am I missing other places to get info? Have I missed a good FAQ with link to thinks like the power page.. perhaps something on wireless controlling a box.. building mini & mega trees.. etc.. fm receivers.. links to videos with specific items (like here's a list of 10 videos that use mega-trees)?

(I think I need to spend more time on the LOR Wiki)

Thanks again,


The Wiki is mostly geared toward LOR stuff. You won't find much in regards to trees, transmitters, (other than how to connect to one) on the Wiki. Check out http://www.christmasdisplays.net/ for more general related Christmas stuff.
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OK, one more post (and I think I see Don posting right now also)...

Looking at the chart, a string of C7's is about 1 amp. 2 of them is 2 amps. If I put 2 on each channel on my 8 channel side, that's 16 amps - or I'm over !

(assuming they are all lit up at once, which I always see in sample videos)

So, how are people doing it? With lots & lots of LOR boxes & breakers, LEDs, or simply not putting more then 1 to 2 strings on a channel?

It would seem that the LED's look better by the second (unless they are really much dimmer - and come to think of it, aren't they usually advertised as brighter) ?

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Yes and no, if your over at 16. Yes you are over if you keep the 15 amp fuses in the LOR controller. But you have the ability to change the fuse to a 20 amp fuse and then you are fine.

Also if you are tight on channles you can have all the channels maxed out to 8 amps each. It just means you can only use 2 at the same time. 4 if you have two seperate power sources.

I have a lot of C9's on my roof and am a very similiar situation to that. One 16 channel controller has a potention of over 80 amps worth of stuff hooked to it. I have to be very careful making sure what I do and dont have on at the same time.

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