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Sequence Editor issue

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Some of the time while I am sequencing with the LOR sequence editor I experience something that is not that big of a problem and I have been working around it. But with all the sequencing I have been doing the last month I have really noticed it a lot. I really I didn't want to bother Dan with it (I know he will answer anyway) but was wondering if anyone else has seen this. It has been doing this since I first got the demo version and has continued thru the full version. I have reloaded the software and actually 2 months ago I low level formated the harddrive and reloaded the operating system. I don't remember this being mentioned here before, so thought I would bring it up.

When I have Play Range - Visible Screen selected, and say the screen is showing a time of 3:02.0 to 3:06.5, after hitting play and it completes, the screen will show the next screen 3:06.6 to 3:10.0. If I click my mouse on the screen it will put a mark where had I clicked then jump back to the original 3:02.0 to 3:06.5. What I have been doing is when it does this I just click the Select button then click the screen and no unwanted marks are placed. Also I recently noticed that when it does this if I click the play button, the screen will still show and scroll the 3:06.6 to 3:10.0 but will play the audio of 3:02:0 to 3:06.5. It is just very strange.

Also while I am at it, once again while I am sequencing, after many many hours all of a sudden the mouse pointer will become horizontal double pointed arrows and becomes pretty much nonfunctional and it only does it on the LOR sequence editor, if I minimize the LOR software, the mouse works normal for any other application, so I just turn off the LOR sequence editor, restart it and it will work fine for many more hours. I can say this has happened several times over the last month.

I am not complaining and still believe LOR is the way to go, was just wondering if anyone else has seen this.


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I have the same problems; from past posts, I think Dan said it was a bug that should be fixed in the next, soon to be released, version. I am so used to it now, I seldom notice it anymore and just automatically work around it.


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I notice that as well, one of the things I do usually when I tell it to play screen I also tell it to loop at the end. Usually this way if you hit stop after it goes thru it will correct itself.

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Thanks guys, sorry, I did not know this had been discussed before, I try to keep up with whats going on here but this one must have slipped by.

What about the mouse cursor turning into double arrows and becoming nonfunctional after many hours of sequencing, have we discussed this before too?


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I think I reported the screen jumping to Dan last fall. I'm not sure I understand the second issue you mention but it sounds like the other problem I have where suddenly the screen will start scrolling wildly on it's own. When that happens I notice that both arrows on the ends of the drag bar point in the same direction. I have to reclick on the drag bar to stop it.

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gremler wrote:

Thanks guys, sorry, I did not know this had been discussed before, I try to keep up with whats going on here but this one must have slipped by.

What about the mouse cursor turning into double arrows and becoming nonfunctional after many hours of sequencing, have we discussed this before too?


Bill, I have had that happen one time. I tried to get rid of it every way I could think, but nothing worked. I resolved the problem by doing a no-no. Unplugged the computer from the wall. Fortunately, I save my sequencing very frequently and only lost about five seconds of it. I don't remember seeing this discussed here.

I have also had the problem Brian mentions. The arrows at the bottom of the sequencer go from a "positive" (if this were photograph) to a "negative" and then all kinds of weird things happen.

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