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Transferring beats and music to another file?

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Hey guys - I know you can import and export channels instead of re-assigning them for every song. But, I created a 32 channel test song to try out the new MP3 controller. I have a total of 80 channels and I am now creating the same song and would like to transfer the existing beat count, music and show to my 80 channel song and tinker from there. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Bill

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copy + Paste.

If you have already created the 80 channel layout that would be the easiest. If you havent then then just use the same file but add the new 48 channels to it and do a saveas that way you can keep your original.

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JR V wrote:

copy + Paste.

If you have already created the 80 channel layout that would be the easiest. If you havent then then just use the same file but add the new 48 channels to it and do a saveas that way you can keep your original.

JR, great minds think a like :].


Edited for spelling
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